Gratis seminar: Smidig utvikling i praksis
Se smidig utvikling i praksis! |
Er programvare en viktig del av din virksomhet? Støtter applikasjonene dine viktige forretningsprosesser og funksjoner? Ønsker du å vite mer om hvordan en kan strømlinjeforme og øke hastigheten på utvikling av applikasjoner uten at det går utover kvaliteten? Vil du lære mer om hvordan smidig utvikling kan bidra til at din bedrift kan bli istand til å reagere raskere på forandringer? |
I løpet av dette seminaret fra Microsoft vil du lære hvordan en planlegger, setter opp og kjører smidige utviklingsprosjekter med Team Foundation Server og Visual Studio 2010. Ved å bruke en flerlags forretningsapplikasjon som eksempel, vil vi vise hvilke fordeler fokus på Application Lifecycle Management og Microsoft sine ALM løsninger gir for alle rollene i deres utviklingsteam. Du vil også få se i praksis hvordan en kan utnytte nye teknologier som: Windows Azure sin skalerbare nettskytjeneste, HTML 5 for en bra brukeropplevelse og Windows Phone for å nå nye brukergrupper på mobile enheter. Etter seminaret vil vi dele ut all kildekoden og steg for steg instruksjoner, slik at du kan gjennomgå dette i ettertid. |
Agenda Morning sessions: Business value and introduction (Level 100/200) Afternoon sessions: Deeper look at ALM and development (Level 200/300) |
09:00 - Keynote: Becoming and Being Agile - What Does This Mean? Length: 45 Minutes | Level: 100 How can you make your Business more Agile? This keynote provides an introduction to the meaning and importance of agile processes, lean development and Application Lifecycle Management. This session sets the big picture for the day. 10:00 Agile in Action - Act 1: Planning, Set Up, Requirements and Architecture Length: 60 Minutes | Level: 200 Part 1 of 4 – this session introduces Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio 2010 and shows how to work with TFS in Agile projects. This session covers requirements gathering and the role of business analyst and the architect role as we create the architecture for our demo application using the architecture tools in Visual Studio 2010. 11:00 Lunch 11:30 - Agile in Action - Act 2: The Backend - The Windows Azure Platform Length: 60 Minutes | Level: 200 Part 2 of 4 – in this session, we begin implementation of our application and introduce the Windows Azure Platform which we will use for the business logic and data storage. This session covers the developer role and highlights features like source control, branching, team build and other developer-centric features in TFS/VS. 12:45 - Agile in Action - Act 3: The Frontend - HTML5 and Windows Phone 7 Length: 60 Minutes | Level: 200 Part 3 of 4 – this session introduces HTML5 and Silverlight for Windows Phone 7. This session will focus on designer and developer integration. We will also show how to build attractive and interactive application interfaces that target multiple form factors and operating systems. 14:00 - Agile in Action – Finale - Building, Deploying and Testing Length: 60 Minutes | Level: 200 Part 4 of 4 - in this last part we will build and deploy our application. This session will focus on TFS Build functionality, tester and stakeholder roles and will introduce topics like quality reporting and manual testing. 15:15 - Getting Started: How to get value from Agile today! Length: 45 Minutes | Level: 100 This session wraps up the day and provides tips, information and additional resources from Microsoft and Microsoft partners. |
Where and When? Location: Microsoft Norge, Lysaker Torg 45, 1366 Lysaker Date and Time: November 15th, 2011 | Start time: 09:00 | End time: 16:00 Click HERE to register for this FREE event |