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SQL Down Under Code Camp 2007 (Oct 13th and 14th) Agenda Publish

If you're not on Greg's SQLDownUnderList mailer then there's a fair chance you missed the agenda has now been published, check out

There is also a Security event running side by side and the aim is to sync the agendas so you can jump between the streams as you see fit, see Security Camp Oz for more details.

The SQL and Security Camps are running at Wagga Wagga/Charles Sturt University Campus again, the event is free of charge and from my own personal experiences with these events then I'd high recommend attending as it's a great opportunity to learn what's new, network, share stories and have a bit of fun!!

If you want a quick primer on what's new in SQL 2008 then check out

It's all happened the weekend of October 13th and 14th in 2007, go to and pop Greg a note to let him know you'll be there...

cya there, cheers Dave