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IOT: Thinking about the Hardware for the Pumpkinduino, part 3

Previous: IOT: Pumpkinduino UML, part 2 Next: IOT Pumpkinduino Part 4

imageSo what embedded device should I use in the Pumpkinduino?  (The pumpkin is shown to the right, lights not shown because they are weak little things and I used a flash.)

  • An Arduino Nano with a radio?
  • An UNO with a Bluetooth Shield or similar on it?
  • Spark.IO WiFi capable? 
  • The LightBlue Bean with it’s Bluetooth capabilities? 
  • Or the Galileo with it’s big processor, high energy use, heat issues and a Bluetooth Arduino Shield on it?

Here is my engineering trade-off table, you might want to create a similar table for your choices, prices are for Amazon, except for Spark and LightBlue Bean:



Cons Price (single unit) Bluetooth Radio
Arduino Nano/Micro Small Not popular $12 $5
Arduino Uno Lot of people have it Large $23 $5
Spark.IO WiFi programmable Must add bluetooth $39 0
LightBlue Bean Bluetooth Programmable Doesn’t meet my requirement of Win Phone interfacing $25 0
Intel Galileo Powerful CPU Board size $49 $5

For now I will be using the Galileo, using Visual C++ mainly for no good reason except that it is the newest brightest thing on my desk right now.  Also, since I am exploring the use of the Visual Studio Online tools, the use of Visual C++ simplifies some of the work.  In a real production run for a seasonal device like the pumpkin the Nano or similar would be used instead.

If you are working with a team, you would have a team meeting, maybe standing up instead of being seated to speed up the meeting, and discuss which device to use.  I would then have to justify why the company should use the most expensive, highest powered, but most powerful as a CPU compared to the other devices.  It is likely that the team would disagree and we would go with the 8-bit device, or better the Spark.IO because it can be easily reprogrammed through the internet.

Since I am not a member of a design team, I have decided to use the Galileo for these reasons, which would fall apart in the real world quite quickly, especially if I was the team lead:

  1. I have the Galileo
  2. It is using Embedded Windows
  3. The software is built using the Visual Studio tools I am use to
  4. I can manage the design construction using Visual Studio Online

Clearly, I could use Visual Studio with the Arduino’s by making some modifications to the VC++ in Visual Studio per (at least for Visual Studio 2010).  The Arduino code can be managed using Visual Studio Online.

But I bought the Galileo board and I plan on using it and making it happen even if I have to build 20 battery packs to power it.  And if I have time or change my mind I am going to use a regular Arduino like an UNO.  Which I will wish I did.