May OneNote Blogging round-up
Here is another month's worth of community comments! Please keep them coming and thanks!
- My school gave out Office 2007 to everyone for free. It came with this program called OneNote, and now I'm addicted.
- "It is a triumph, and one of the company's finest products."
- Why I'm addicted to OneNote. I've used OneNote since Friday and already I'm addicted
- Lo and behold, best thing ever. OneNote is my new best friend
- This leads me onto my now-favourite-application OneNote. This app is stunning, it blew myself and colleagues away
- OneNote Rocks - what's killer are the sharing capabilities
- Microsoft One’f*ckin’Note is the future!
- I want to start a family with my new love: Microsoft OneNote 2007
- I was impressed that one cohesive package Just Worked. To me, it's a prime example of where Microsoft should be focusing its energies
- give OneNote a try. I dismissed it once as overkill, but now I believe this is a product that deserves its "wow".
- OneNote Is The Answer
- More OneNote lovin'
- Microsoft has produced a fairly good product: OneNote. There are a few kinks, but for the most part, I see the program as having huge potential for keeping me organized.
- I live in OneNote 24/7 on my Tablet PC. It's the first program I fire up each morning
- I Don't Understand OneNote
- Disappointment with OneNote. Why would MS intentionally not release a viewer? May as well stick with a wiki
- I use Microsoft Office a lot. One of the things that bugs me about it is how different each of the apps are
- Anonymous
June 08, 2007
Thanks for including me in your blog roll - it gave me the opportunity to find you! Linking you.... now. :-)