Feb 2008 Blogging round up
I feel like a copy and paste monkey as I just take what Mike sends out and then I post it here:
- I am totally in love with Microsoft office OneNote!! It is one of the most brilliant 'invention' of Microsoft!! usable for students and working people. And i am so using OneNote at the moment, I cannot stop!!
- Microsoft in Good Software Shock! But what has impressed is places that have made me sit back from the keyboard and go, "Whoa! Dude. Cool." Well, maybe not, I'm English and from the home counties but you get the point. The first WDC moment was when I found the OneNote tab in Outlook. Right Click on a calendar appointment in Outlook and it offers the option to go to OneNote.
- A scatter minded persons dream come true- OneNote. It has tons more features that make the software three times as user friendly as any other Microsoft Office software program
- I apparently have been living under a rock. I've heard of OneNote and have heard people talk about and even say good things about it, but I had no idea!! It's one of the most intuitive and powerful programs I've ever used.
- It's also so ridiculously performant. I believe that it could go a lot further without loosing it's precious responsiveness
- One of the happiest days of my recent life was the day I ran across somebody's tip that you can right-click on that background text and copy the text from the page to the clipboard From there I can dump it in a Word, file and take out a quote for a paper, etc.
- Before the next class, I will be completing my OneNote homework and hopefully able to talk my boss into purchasing this program. I love it and hope that I can get the chance to use it every day.
- I am not a heavy user of OneNote, but the more I use it, the more I really like it
- OneNote is a program that is like Word on crack, with tabs! Go to the left and click "Church Planting", go to the top of the page and click "Events" and go to the right of the page and click "Wesleyan Church Planters Event
- After using OneNote for many years, I am of the opinion that I don’t want to be without this useful application. OneNote is an integral part of the Office2007 software suite or can be purchased separately here
- Bill Gates at the Office Developer Conference: "Interesting to note is how he mentions keeps mentioning Tablet-related tech: including OneNote, Touch, Natural Input and Surface"
- OneNote web view + Sharepoint = happiness
- Although what impressed me the most was their demonstration of OneNote. I’m not terribly familiar with all the functionality in OneNote, but it seems straightforward enough that I could sit down without reading any user guides and get the basic functionality down.
- The more I use OneNote the more dependent upon it I become and the more I wish there were an equivalent application for the Macintosh. OneNote has become indispensable to me as I create and manage projects.
- In theory, it's a fantastic idea. A product which eliminates the annoying bits of paper everyone uses once in a while and then saves you time in writing up your final article. In practice, it doesn’t let you down.
- Probably the most intuitive and natural note taking application around.
- I (heart) MS Office 2007. Boy, did that not sound right coming from a Macgirl like me ...What I love in particular is OneNote. My officemate tipped me off on this one, and I’ve been using it ever since to make notes and write my drafts, switching to Word only when it’s time to submit the final version to the boss.
- Have you tried ONENOTE for eLearning?: Okay, so I'm NOT a big fan of Microsoft...but I think truly think the ONENOTE team might be onto something.
- For Windows users, I’d recommend OneNote. When I switched over full-time to a Mac a few years ago, this was the only program I worried about not being able to replace.
- A Mac person deep down at heart - but is really into this MicroSoft powered tablet, because OneNote is just so cool. And I haven't even gotten to the parts that got me all choked up yet. Although, yeah, that did make me a little moist eyed.
- Recently, I discovered OneNote 2007, a Microsoft office application that is given little press and is certainly not well promoted by Microsoft.
- Office's Undervalued Prospect: Microsoft OneNote: I never really see it get hyped, but if you take the time to get to know it, OneNote has a lot to offer.
- I just now learned that I can use Microsoft® OneNote to publish blog entries. Given that I spend a LOT of time in OneNote, I'm just blown away by the fact that I can use it to post to my blog..
- My Top 10 Tools for Learning 2008: #1. Microsoft One Note 2007 – Simply an amazing program that I have only been using since January and wish that I had been using for the last 5 years. I am reducing my paper use tremendously thanks to this program.
- Microsoft Office OneNote: This was indispensable this year. It does such a good job of keeping all your notes in one place and eliminating the need to print out pages and pages of course notes. It would make your life almost paperless if you have a tablet pc, but even if you don't have one... there is no better way to organize you school life.
- There is one compelling new software program in the suite called OneNote. For students, teachers and writers it is an excellent program for taking notes and recording research. It however is only found in two different versions.
- Green IT: Defra also encourages staff to travel less to meetings and work from home using technologies such as OneNote, Sharepoint, Live Messenger and teleconferencing.
Thanks to everyone for blogging & talking about OneNote!
March 14, 2008
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March 15, 2008
Thanks for representing my views above. OneNote really is a great product!