Cool review of OneNote 2007
I was just reading this review of OneNote 2007:
Gather Your Thoughts from Digit - Your Technology Navigator with the tag line: Microsoft Office OneNote can help you organise yourself, in your own unique way
I think they really capture the spirit of OneNote when they say things like there is no wrong way to use OneNote or a right way to use it either, you just use it.
The review goes on to cover a lot of the features and explains key benefits. Thanks Robert!
May 23, 2007
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May 24, 2007
I'd like to look at this and use it when I evangelize OneNote, but I get a message "Unable to access database server" on a plain white page when I click the link. Local problem here? Broken link? Dan, It would be great if you can look into the linking... Jonathan RawleAnonymous
May 24, 2007
Jonathan - Looks like you all have been hitting the site and thier database went down. I don't know the people who wrote this review and I have no idea what is wrong with thier server. Sorry about that and hopefully it will be back up shortly.