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When technology enhances customer service


It's the little things that count and today a small thing really made my day

You may remember from the TechNet newsletter a while ago that I had a humorous situation involving myself, a convertible car and voice-command voicemail with Exchange Server 2007. Well today I had an absolutely fantastic experience with voice enabled customer service....

I needed to change a hotel with Premier Inn (other reputable hotels available) for next week. I found my reservation confirmation and easily found the phone number I needed. I had an immediate response from a lovely polite, automatic lady (whose name I cant remember but she did tell me). She asked me my reservation number, date I was staying and my surname. Within seconds she had found my booking and then asked if I wanted to cancel, change or save it. I said "cancel" and this is where the great stuff happened. She said she was transferring me and .....this is the really clever bit.......again within seconds I was now talking to a real person. Not only was she real and polite, she knew my booking immediately and exactly what I wanted to do.

The change was done and I had my cancellation email for the old hotel and confirmation for the new hotel within seconds.
