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New TechNet events covering Unified Communications, Virtualisation & Management Technologies and Windows Server 2008

Monday June 23 2008, TVP: Microsoft Virtualisation and Management Technologies event

This event will take you through our latest management and Virtualisation technologies. We’ll start the day with a thought provoking keynote explaining how to use System Center to reduce the impact your business has on the environment. In common with other TechNet UK events we’re going to demonstrate the interesting parts of the technology as much as possible. We will build a Windows Server 2008 cluster and discuss how to manage it. There’s been a great deal of interest in System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 – we’ll fire it up and show you what is possible. (Note: We are not experts in VMware hence we will discuss SCVMM’s capabilities and demonstrate using Hyper-v and Virtual Server)

 In the afternoon we’ll take a close look at Vista Enterprise Centralised Desktop (VECD) and Microsoft Desktop Optimisation technologies including application virtualisation together with advanced group policy capabilities. The final formal session of the day will focus on Terminal Services showing how to quickly publish new applications to employees whether they are on premise or elsewhere. The event will conclude with an interactive question and answer session where you can ask the experts to give their views on how to implement Microsoft Management technologies.


Wednesday 2 July 2008, Leeds/Bradford: TechNet event in association with Black Marble - Microsoft’s vision for Unified communications

We talk about the “new world of work” and the “millennial generation”, but what does that mean for how we go about communicating in business ? This session will look at how life is changing and how Microsoft technologies like Live Meeting, Round Table, Exchange and office communications server fit together to address communications needs of a modern business, giving a broad overview of each of the technologies, and demonstrating as many of them as possible (within limitations imposed by the venue). We’ll look at the move from voice mail to unified messaging, the difference between UM and the presence driven world of Unified communications and look at the new devices from Microsoft and partners which are going into this market.


Thursday 3 July 2008, Liverpool: TechNet event in association with Gardsys - Windows Server 2008 – What’s new and exciting

Superficially Windows Server 2008 doesn’t look that different to Windows Server 2003 , so what has changed. There are scores of changes in the product, from little tweaks to make administration easier to whole new scenarios that weren’t possible before. There are enough changes to fill a much longer session, so this will concentrate on the highlights, showing , Active directory changes, Hyper-v virtualization, Powershell, Server Core, Terminal Services and more. The session will be a mixture of live demos and slides and at the end of it we hope you’ll believe that a server OS can be exciting