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How Do We Love Performance Counters? Let Us Count the Ways



If you happen to be up on your poetry (as those of us here at the Lync Server PowerShell blog, the home of the daily Lync Server PowerShell haiku, obviously are) then you are no doubt familiar with the poem How Do I Love Thee? by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. And even if you aren't up on your poetry (for shame!) then you're probably still familiar with the poem's opening lines:


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.


After that opening stanza, Browning goes on to list all the ways that she loves thee, which seems to be about 8 different ways. (To tell you the truth, we kind of lost count as we were reading.) At any rate, How Do I Love Thee? is considered by many people to be the most romantic poem ever written. a judgment that we really can't argue with, even though we do expect that, over time, our very own haiku #2 will eventually be considered the most romantic poem ever written:


The elephant missed

His plane. He forgot his trunk



But, admittedly, it might be a while before that happens.


English professors will tell you that Elizabeth Barrett Browning was one of the greatest poets of all time. But here's something that those academic eggheads won't tell you: Elizabeth Barrett Browning would have been a terrible Microsoft Lync Server 2010 administrator. How can we say that? Well, for one thing, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born in 1801 and people born during that era have never really made much of a splash as Lync Server administrators.


Note. She also suffered from nervous hysteria and was addicted to morphine, things which are rarely mentioned in ads for Lync Server administrators:


WANTED: Experienced Lync Server administrator. Applicants must suffer from nervous hysteria and be addicted to morphine. Non-smokers only.


Perhaps more important, however, is the fact that Elizabeth Barrett Browning was hopelessly inefficient. Consider How Do I Love Thee? In that poem, Browning laboriously lists each and every way that she loves her soon-to-be-husband Robert Browning. That approach might have worked back in the 1800s; after all, without TV, Twitter, or Facebook people didn't really have anything to do anyway. But in today's hectic, high-paced world no one has the time to tediously count up all the ways that they love someone. Do you have any idea how many Facebook pokes you might miss while counting up all the ways that you love someone? Exactly.


And that's why Elizabeth Barrett Browning would make such a lousy Lync Server administrator. For example, suppose Elizabeth Barrett Browning needed to know how many incoming SIP messages had been received on a Front End server. No doubt she would sit there and count those messages one-by-one: "Here's one from Ken Myer. And here's one from Pilar Ackerman. Oh, and here's another one from Ken Myer." Is that the way a good Lync Server administrator would do this? Hardly. Instead, a good Lync Server administrator would do this:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages" | Select-Object –ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object CookedValue


And if you’re thinking "That's cool, but what exactly is that?" well, have no fear: that (using Windows PowerShell to work with Lync Server performance counters) just happens to be the topic of this article.


Note. Hey, you had to figure we'd get to the topic sooner or later, right?



Lync Server Performance Counters


We're assuming that everyone out there is already familiar with performance counters but, just in case, here's a quick overview. Performance counters are values that can be used to analyze the usage and/or the health of an application (or of the operating system, for that matter). For example, Lync Server 2010 ships with hundreds of performance counters: there are performance counters for the Response Group application, performance counters for the Call Park Service, performance counters for CAA, CAS, PDP, QMS, and pretty much any Lync Server acronym you can think of. And the best part is that you don't need to do anything to implement these counters: performance counters are installed when you install Lync Server, and, once they are installed, Lync Server takes care of continually updating those counters. The only thing you have to do is occasionally check the values of your performance counters. And if you don’t know how to do that, well, just keep reading.


Wait: one quick caveat before you keep reading. Keep in mind that this is not a detailed description on the performance counters that ship with Lync Server 2010, nor does it offer any insights on which Lync Server performance counters you might find the most useful. After all, we're PowerShell guys, which means that all we can do is show you how to use Windows PowerShell to access performance counters. (And that means any performance counter, not just Lync Server performance counters.) Explaining what each performance counter does, and explaining why you might be interested in using a given performance counter, lies a bit outside our area of expertise.


Note. So what lies inside the area of our expertise? Well, um, there's, uh – say, could we hold all questions until the end, please? Thank you.


Speaking of questions, let's start with an obvious one: what performance counters are available for Lync Server, and how can we get a list of those counters? To begin with, we should point out that individual performance counters are collected in performance counter sets. For example, Lync Server includes a set of performance counters named this:


· LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting


Inside that set, you'll find the following individual performance counters:


· RGS - 000 - Total number of incoming calls that were declined because of a Match Making failure

· RGS - 001 - Total number of different workflows loaded in memory

· RGS - 002 - Total number of different application endpoints

· RGS - 003 - Total number of failures when binding to the Collaboration Platform

· RGS - 004 - Total number of failures when binding Match Making to WCF

· RGS - 005 - Total number of application endpoint binding failures

· RGS - 006 - Total number of certificate validation failures

· RGS - 007 - Total number of successful certificate validations

· RGS - 008 - Total number of application endpoint terminations

· RGS - 009 - Duration of the call in milliseconds


Is that important? As a matter of fact, it's very important: when we refer to an individual performance counter we'll have to specify a path that includes both the name of the counter set and the name of the performance counter. For example, here's a path that shows the counter set name in red and the counter name in blue:


· \LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 001 - Total number of different workflows loaded in memory


That's what we thought, too: pretty as a picture.


OK, let's now see if we can get a list of all the performance counter sets for Lync Server 2010. (Note that we're going to start off by doing everything locally; that is, on a computer currently running one or more Lync Server services or server roles. We'll talk about performing these same tasks on remote computers later on.) Are we concerned that we won't be able to retrieve this information? On the contrary; we're extremely confident that we will be able to retrieve this information, and for two reasons:


· Windows PowerShell 2.0 includes the Get-Counter cmdlet, which makes it easy to retrieve performance counter information.

· Lync Server's performance counter sets all use a standard naming convention: each set name begins with the characters LS: .


Why does that make us co confident? That's easy: that means that we can use a command like this one to return a list of all of Lync Server's performance counter sets:


Get-Counter -ListSet "LS:*"


As you can see, that's not a very complicated command, to say the least. All we do is call the Get-Counter cmdlet followed by the ListSet parameter (as the name implies, this asks Get-Counter to return a list of performance counter sets). The parameter value passed to ListSet is nothing more than a good old-fashioned wildcard value: "LS:*" which, as you already know, simply says "Show me all the counter sets that begin with the string value LS: ." And remember, this same approach works with all performance counters and performance counter sets, not just with Lync Server-related counter sets. Are there any performance counter sets that work with disk drives? Well, try running this command and see for yourself:


Get-Counter -ListSet "*Disk*"


Note. And, of course, you can run the following command to return information about all your performance counter sets:


Get-Counter -ListSet "*"


So will we get back any information when we run the command Get-Counter -ListSet "LS:*" ? You might say that. On our test computer (a Front End Server) we got back information for 142 different performance counter sets, with each set returning data similar to this:


CounterSetName : LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections

MachineName : .

CounterSetType : MultiInstance

Description : This object includes counters that apply to Lync Server

                     IPEPS stack

Paths : {\LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 000 –

                     Bytes Received, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps

                     Connections(*)\SipEps - 001 - Bytes

                     Received/sec, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps      

                     Connections(*)\SipEps - 002 - Bytes Sent, \LS:SipEps –

                     02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 003 - Bytes Sent/sec...}

PathsWithInstances : {\LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(_Total)\SipEps –

                     000 - Bytes Received, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps


                     SipEps - 000 - Bytes Received, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps


                     _ocsappserverhost_appdom_2)\SipEps - 000 - Bytes

                     Received, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps


                     SipEps - 000 - Bytes Received...}

Counter : {\LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 000 –

                     Bytes Received, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps

                     Connections(*)\SipEps - 001 - Bytes Received/sec,

                     \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 002 –

                     Bytes Sent, \LS:SipEps - 02 – SipEps

                     Connections(*)\SipEps - 003 - Bytes Sent/sec...}


And yes, come to think of it, that is a lot of information, isn't it? In fact, that's probably too much information when all you really want to do is get an overview of the type of Lync Server performance counters available to you. Because of that, you might want to run this command instead, a command that returns only the name and description for each counter set:


Get-Counter -ListSet "LS:*" | Select-Object CounterSetName, Description | Format-List


That command returns information that might be a little easier to digest:


CounterSetName : LS:USrv - 30 - Pool Conference Statistics

Description : This object reports general pool-wide conferencing statistics.


CounterSetName : LS:USrv - 31 - Authorize delegate sproc

Description : This object includes counters that apply to the AuthorizeDelegate stored procedure used by Lync Server User Services Module.


CounterSetName : LS:USrv - 32 - Unmanaged Certificate Auth Provider

Description : This object includes counters that apply to the unmanaged certificate auth provider.


Still with us? Excellent. Our next step is to zoom in on a performance counter set of interest; in other words, we now need to retrieve a list of the individual performance counters in a counter set. As you saw a moment ago, one of the properties of a counter set is the Counter property; this property lists all the performance counters within the counter set. However, we typically don't get to see all those counters; instead, we see a truncated list of the first few counters, with the remaining items hidden somewhere in the aether:


{\LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 000 – Bytes Received, \LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 001 - Bytes Received/sec,

\LS:SipEps - 02 - SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 002 – Bytes Sent, \LS:SipEps - 02 – SipEps Connections(*)\SipEps - 003 - Bytes Sent/sec...}


Note. If you're new to Windows PowerShell, the three dots at the end of the list means that there are more items in the property; they just won't all fit on screen.


Needless to say, a truncated list isn't much better than no list at all. How can we retrieve a complete list of the performance counters that make up a counter set? Why, like this, of course:


Get-Counter -ListSet "LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting" | Select-Object –ExpandProperty Counter


So what have we done here? Well, as you can see, we started off by using Get-Counter to return one specific counter set: LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting. However, instead of displaying that information as-is, we piped all the data to the Select-Object cmdlet and asked Select-Object (via the ExpandProperty parameter) to show us all the items stashed in the Counter property. The net result? The net result is a list of all the performance counters found in that counter set:


\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 000 - Total number of incoming calls that were declined because of a Match Making failure

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 001 - Total number of different workflows loaded in memory

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 002 - Total number of different application endpoints

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 003 - Total number of failures when binding to the Collaboration Platform

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 004 - Total number of failures when binding Match Making to WCF

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 005 - Total number of application endpoint binding failures

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 006 - Total number of certificate validation failures

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 007 - Total number of successful certificate validations

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 008 - Total number of application endpoint terminations

\LS:RGS - 00 - Response Group Service Hosting\RGS - 009 - Duration of the call in milliseconds


Now we're getting somewhere. Or as Elizabeth Barrett Browning would say … well, we don't actually know what Elizabeth Barrett Browning would say. But it would probably be something a bit more poetical than "Now we're getting somewhere." Something along the lines of:


Nowforth draws near

As something hastens in its approach.



Isn't It About Time We Actually Did Something With Performance Counters?


That's a good point: what fun are performance counters unless you actually get to use them to monitor performance? With that in mind, let's see if we can figure out how to use a performance counter. Let's start with the simplest possible task: retrieving a single value for a single performance counter. That's something we can do with a command similar to this one:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages"


Again, there's nothing too-terribly complicated about this command. As usual, we're using the Get-Counter cmdlet; however, this time we don't use the ListSet parameter. (Why not? Because we don't want a counter set, we want a specific counter.) Instead, we use the Counter parameter followed by the path to the performance counter we want to retrieve information from (remember, the path is a combination of the counter set name and the counter name).


Note. Where did we get that performance counter name from? You got it: by using the ListSet parameter to retrieve all the counters found in a given counter set. In this case, that's the counter set LS:SIP - 02 – Protocol.


That's all we have to do. In return, Windows PowerShell will show us information similar to this:


Timestamp CounterSamples

--------- --------------

5/5/2011 3:10:47 PM \\server\ls:sip - 02 - protocol\sip - 000 –

                          incoming messages :



OK, not bad. A little cluttered, but not bad. As you can see, the returned value (395020) is sitting by itself on the final line of the output.


But that's a good point: why should we settle for "a little cluttered?" After all, the only thing we're really interested in is the current value of the counter:




Shouldn't there be a way to get just the value of the performance counter, without the timestamp and the counter path and all that other gobbledygook?


Well, not only should there be a way, there is a way:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages" | Select-Object –ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object CookedValue


Admittedly, this is a tiny bit more complicated than our original command but, as you're about to see, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how it works.


Note. Which is just as well, seeing as how rocket scientists typically don't spend a whole lot of time using Windows PowerShell to return performance counter data for Lync Server.


What we did in the preceding command was grab the data for the SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages performance counter and then pipe that data to the Select-Object cmdlet. We used Select-Object to "expand" the value of the CounterSamples property, then used Select-Object a second time to limit the displayed data to the CookedValue property. What will that look like when all is said and done? When all is said and done, that will look something like this:






Much less cluttered. And if you'd like to see the counter name as well as the value (which you probably will want to do when you start retrieving values from more than one performance counter), just run this command instead:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages" | Select-Object –ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object Path, CookedValue | Format-List


That gives us output similar to this:


Path : \\server\ls:sip - 02 - protocol\sip - 000 - incoming messages

CookedValue : 395054


Which, again, is a little cleaner and a little easier to read than the output we got the first time around.


A Brief Aside: What Are Cooked Values?

We had a feeling someone would ask that: what exactly is a "cooked value?" Well, performance counters typically have raw values, second values, and cooked values. The raw values and second values are the raw ingredients used by the performance counter, and the "cooked value" is the result of "cooking" those ingredients into something for human consumption.


What does that mean? Beat us. Tell you what: instead of trying to create some weird cooking-related metaphor, let's just show you a simple example using disk drives. Suppose you use the LogicalDisk(*)\% Free Space performance counter to retrieve information about the percentage of free space available on a logical disk. Let's further suppose that you grab this information, pipe it to the Select-Object cmdlet, and then ask Select-Object to display all the properties of the returned object (Select * ). Why would you do that? To answer that question, let's first call the performance counter as-is:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LogicalDisk(*)\Disk Reads/sec" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples


If you do that, you'll get back the "cooked value" for each logical disk drive:


Path InstanceName CookedValue ------------ ----------- -----------

\\server1\logicaldisk(c:)\% free space c: 68.1037705530888


The CookedValue tells us that we have approximately 68% free disk space.


Now let's try the Select * variation of this same command:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LogicalDisk(*)\Disk Reads/sec" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select *


Here's the kind of output that command generates:


Path : \\server1\logicaldisk(c:)\% free space

InstanceName : c:

CookedValue : 68.1057381403677

RawValue : 207683

SecondValue : 304942

MultipleCount : 1

CounterType : RawFraction

Timestamp : 5/23/2011 2:55:24 PM

Timestamp100NSec : 129506361244260000

Status : 0

DefaultScale : 0

TimeBase : 2597714


If you look closely at the output (which we've highlighted in red), you'll see that the SecondValue is 304942; that happens to be the total size of the drive in kilobytes (about 297 gigabytes). The RawValue, which is the amount of free space, is 207683 kilobytes. Do we care about those values? Probably not; after all, the whole idea here was to determine the percentage of free disk space on the drive. That's something we can calculate by dividing 207683 by 304942.


Alternatively, we can take the easy way out and let the performance counter do the math for us. That's what the CookedValue is. The CookedValue is also the default value shown by the Get-Counter cmdlet. Why? Because this is almost always the value that we care about; in general, we aren't interested in the raw data used to make that calculation.


Note. Although, as you can see, it is possible to get at that raw data if you really want it.


So much for cooked values vs. raw values. Before we go any further, let's take another question from the audience: what if you want to return data from more than one performance counter? Is that going to be a problem?


Nope; in fact, that will probably be the least of your problems. You say you'd like to get data from more than one performance counter (for example, both incoming messages and outgoing messages)? Piece of cake:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 019 - Outgoing Messages" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object Path, CookedValue | Format-List


So how hard was it to get data from two different performance counters? As you can see, not hard at all: all we had to do was specify the path to each counter, separating the paths by using a comma:


-Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 019 - Outgoing Messages"


That command is going to return data similar to this:


Path : \\server\ls:sip - 02 - protocol\sip - 000 - incoming messages

CookedValue : 395054


Path : \\server\ls:sip - 02 - protocol\sip - 019 - outgoing messages

CookedValue : 404144


Two performance counters, two values. Like we said, piece of cake.


Ah, but what if you wanted to retrieve data from 3 different counters, or 4 different counters, or 5 or 6 or X number of counters? No problem: just separate each counter by using a comma:


Get-Counter -Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 017 – Local Requests in Server", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 019 - Outgoing Messages", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 025 – Events in Processing" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object Path, CookedValue | Format-List


Etc., etc.


If that command looks a little too unwieldy, then stash all your counter paths in variable (say, $x) and then pass that variable to the Counter parameter:


$x = "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 017 – Local Requests in Server", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 019 - Outgoing Messages", "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 025 – Events in Processing"


Get-Counter -Counter $x | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object Path, CookedValue | Format-List


Either way will work just fine.


Oh, and here's a neat little trick: a command that returns data for all the performance counters in a counter set:


Get-Counter –ListSet "LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol" | Select-Object –ExpandProperty Counter | ForEach-Object {Get-Counter -Counter $_}


How does that command work? Much easier than you might expect. We start off by using the Get-Counter cmdlet to return all the performance counters in the counter set LS:SIP - 02 – Protocol. We pipe that data to Select-Object, and expand the value of the Counter property. We then pipe that data to the ForEach-Object cmdlet. ForEach-Object then loops through the set of performance counters and, for each one, calls the Get-Counter cmdlet:


{Get-Counter -Counter $_}


Give it a try and see what happens. We have a feeling you'll end up saying this:


The soul's Rialto hath its merchandise;

I barter curl for curl upon that mart,

And from my poet's forehead to my heart

Receive this lock which outweighs argosies,--

As purply black, as erst to Pindar's eyes

The dim purpureal tresses gloomed athwart


Well, OK, maybe you won’t say that. But at least you'll be happy with the results.



Once is Not Enough


So where do we stand at the moment? Well, at the moment we know that our test server has received exactly 395,054 incoming SIP messages. Is that good? Is that bad? What exactly does it mean to receive 395,054 incoming SIP messages?


To be honest, without a little more context there's really no way to answer that question. After all, suppose our server has been up for 395,054 minutes (about 274 days). One SIP message received per minute? Most likely we can handle that.


But suppose our system has only been up for an hour. That would mean that we're getting over 6,000 incoming SIP messages every minute. That's a whole 'nother story.


Which simply means that we might benefit from monitoring incoming SIP messages over time; for example, we might want to check the value every 60 seconds and thus determine how many messages we're receiving per minute. Can we do that using the Get-Counter cmdlet? Do you even have to ask:


Get-Counter –Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages" –SampleInterval 60 –MaxSamples 10 | Select-Object –ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Select-Object Path, CookedValue | Format-Table


So what do we have here? Well, as usual, we've again called the Get-Counter cmdlet along with the path to the counter that reports back the total number of SIP messages received ( \LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages). However, this time around we've also included a pair of optional parameters:


· SampleInterval. The SampleInterval parameter allows us to specify how long (in seconds) we want to wait between measurements. For this command we wanted to check the value of the incoming messages at 1-minute intervals; because of that, we set the sample interval to 60. If we didn't specify a sample interval, then Get-Counter will take a new measurement every second.

· MaxSamples. The MaxSamples parameter tells Get-Counter how many measurements we want to take before calling it quits. In our example, we're taking 10 measurements; as soon as we've gotten measurement number 10 Get-Counter will automatically stop. What if we wanted to take an infinite number of measurements? That's fine; instead of using the MaxSamples parameter we’d use the Continuous parameter instead:

Get-Counter –Counter "\LS:SIP - 02 - Protocol\SIP - 000 - Incoming Messages" –SampleInterval 60 –Continuous

The preceding command will continue to take samples until you press Ctrl+C or until you close the Windows PowerShell window.

Or until October 21, 2011, when the world might come to an end. Whichever comes first.

After we retrieve the data using Get-Counter we then pipe that data to Select-Object and expand the CounterSamples property. We next pipe the expanded data to Select-Object, asking that cmdlet to extract only the Path and the CookedValue properties. Finally, we pipe those values to Format-Table, which displays output in a table that looks something like this:


Path CookedValue

---- -----------

\\atl-cs-001\ls:sip – 02 – protocol\sip – 000 – in ... 461211

\\atl-cs-001\ls:sip – 02 – protocol\sip – 000 – in ... 461314

\\atl-cs-001\ls:sip – 02 – protocol\sip – 000 – in ... 461497

\\atl-cs-001\ls:sip – 02 – protocol\sip – 000 – in ... 461558


As you can see, we started out at 461,211 incoming messages and, three minutes later, we had 461,558 messages. That means we received 347 messages in those 3 minutes, or about 116 messages per minute.


Note. Can’t we write a script that would make PowerShell do that math for us? Yes we can, and that's something we'll do in a future article.


If you're interested.



Didn't You Say Something About Remote Computers?


Probably; if you think you get lost reading these articles imagine what happens to those of us who are trying to write these articles? But yes, everything we've shown you works just as well on a remote computer as it does on a local computer. If you want to retrieve performance counter information from a remote computer, just tack on the ComputerName parameter:


Get-Counter -ListSet "LS:*" –ComputerName


That's all you have to do.



So Where Do We Go From Here?


Believe it or not, we've only scratched the surface of all the ways you can monitor performance using Windows PowerShell. For example, we've only hinted at the possibility of using a script to jazz up your performance monitoring, and we haven't even mentioned the ability to import and export performance counter logs (using the Import-Counter and Export-Counter cmdlets, respectively). Will we ever cover those topics? We'll see. If there's enough interest, yes. If there's not enough interest, well, then probably not. Let us know either way.


We also haven't done much – OK, we haven't done anything – in regards to telling you which Lync Server performance counters are worth monitoring and which ones aren't; as we noted earlier, that's a bit outside our area of expertise. Nevertheless, here's a command that you might find useful: it tells you how many users are currently connected to a Front End server. Enjoy!


Get-Counter –Counter "\LS:SIP – 01 – Peers(*)\SIP – 000 – Connections Active" | Select-Object –ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Where-Object {$_.InstanceName –eq "clients"}


Note. Our understanding is that there is documentation in the works that will explain a large number of Lync Server performance counters and how you might best make use of them. When will that documentation be released and where will you be able to get it from? Well, remember when we talked about things that were outside our area of expertise? Add those two items to that list. If and when we get more information, we'll let you know.


One thing that we did do (or so we hope) is put to rest the belief that Elizabeth Barrett Browning would have a made a good Lync Server administrator. A great poet? Sure. But remember, Elizabeth Barrett Browning needed to write 14 lines of poetry in order to determine how many ways she loved Robert Browning. We could have done the same thing with a single line of Windows PowerShell code:


Get-Counter –Counter "\Robert Browning – 000 - How Do I Love Thee\Total Ways(*)"


Case closed.


  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2011
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2014
    Pingback from If your looking to ramp on Lync On Premises here are some useful Lync resources well worth investigating