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What is the Microsoft Anti-XSS Library?

RV here.....

My full name is Anil Kumar Venkata Revuru but people call me RV around here. I am a Senior Software Development Engineer (SDE in MSFT speak) for CISG where I am responsible for architecting security tools. In my past life at Microsoft I conducted security design reviews, threat modeling, application and source-code assessments. I hold a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad and I made significant contribution to the security development of products at V-Empower Inc. I am also the author of Microsoft Threat Analysis and Modeling Tool used for application threat modeling. You can find my personal blog at

For my first post I thought I would provide an overview of the Anti-XSS library as it stands today. As Mark mentioned in the first post we have a team working on the next generation of this technology and well be blogging about that in the coming weeks. The Microsoft Anti Cross Site Scripting Library (AntiXSS) is an encoding library, designed and developed by CISG team at Microsoft in conjunction with the ACE Team. It is designed to help developers protect their Web-based applications from XSS attacks. This library is very different from most encoding libraries, it uses the principle-of-inclusions technique to provide protection against XSS attacks. This approach works by defining a valid or allowable set of characters, and encoding anything outside this set (invalid characters or potential attacks). It offers several advantages over other encoding schemes.

AntiXSS library encoding scheme uses the following white list for passing the safe characters and will encode all other characters.

  • a-z, A-Z, 0-9
  • space, period, comma, hyphen and underscore

Before we look at how AntiXSS works, lets look at a potential cross site scripting defect and understand how it works. Cross site scripting (XSS) is the most common web application vulnerability and is listed in the Top 10 web application vulnerabilities on OWASP. XSS can also be called HTML injection attack, it occurs when un-validated user input is inserted into HTML output. This allows the attacker to construct a URL with HTML input and get it executed on the browser in the user's context. This attack can be used to extract cookie information, steal sessions, write new html tags, invoke ActiveX controls, etc. Essentially, anything that can be done with a browser can be done with this attack without the user's knowledge.

Many of ASP.NET controls don't encode the input natively, which makes it more important for the developer to encode or validate the input. The following are some examples of this vulnerability.

    1: //This is the classic XSS vulnerability. 
    2: Response.Write(Request.Params["input"]);
    4: //Here is another vulnerability using ASP.NET controls
    5: Label1.Text = Request.QueryString["message"];

In the above examples, the input is being direct passed back to output stream. If any HTML such as <script>alert('Hello')</script> will be executed the browser and you will see a message box. Most probably this exploit may be stopped by request validation feature of .NET. There are other exploits which will bypass request validation feature, this feature should be used for defense in depth.

Proper output encoding and good input validation will fix the XSS issue. For output encoding use AntiXSS Library for its comprehensive encoding capabilities. AntiXSS works by looking at all the characters in the input and encoding characters not in the whitelist using standard html entity notation (&#num;). The above script would get encoded as &#60;script&#62;alert&#40;&#39;hello&#39;&#41;&#59;&#60;&#47;script&#62;. The following code is the correct implementation of AntiXSS for the above vulnerabilities.

    1: //This is the classic XSS vulnerability.
    2: Response.Write(AntiXss.HtmlEncode(Request.Params["input"])); 
    4: //Here is another vulnerability using ASP.NET controls
    5: Label1.Text = AntiXss.HtmlEncode(Request.QueryString["message"]);

Also there are different encoding methods for different context's. For example, if you constructing a URL from user input you should use AntiXss.UrlEncode. The following are different context's and examples.

    1: //HTML Attribute Context
    2: Literal1.Text = "<hr noshade size=" + 
    3:         AntiXss.HtmlAttributeEncode(TextBox1.Text) + ">";
    5: //URL Context
    6: String SearchUrl = "";
    7: Literal1.Text = "<a href=\"" + SearchUrl + AntiXss.UrlEncode(TextBox1.Text) +   
    8:                 "\">Example Link</a>";   
   10: //JavaScript Context
   11: StringBuilder Str = new StringBuilder();  
   12: Str.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n");
   13: StringArrayConverter StrArrayConv = new StringArrayConverter(); 
   14: string[] ItemsArray = (string[])StrArrayConv.ConvertFrom(TextBox1.Text);
   15: foreach (string item in ItemsArray) 
   16: {
   17:     // Note that JavaScriptEncode adds the starting and end ' 
   18:     //so we don't need to include them in the code
   19:     Str.Append("listboxItems.push(" + 
   20:     Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.JavaScriptEncode(item) + ");\n");  
   21: }
   22: Str.Append("FillListBox();\n");
   23: Str.Append("</script>");
   24: Literal1.Text = Str.ToString();
   26: //XML context
   27: // Create XML template
   28: String Xml = "<xml id=\"data\">\n<data>\n<name>{0}</name>\n" +
   29:      "<company>{1}</company>\n<email>{2}</email>\n" +
   30:      "</data>\n</xml>\n";
   31: // Fill template with data provided by user
   32: Literal1.Text = String.Format(Xml, new string[] 
   33: {
   34:     Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.XmlEncode(TextBox1.Text),
   35:     Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.XmlEncode(TextBox2.Text),
   36:     Microsoft.Security.Application.AntiXss.XmlEncode(TextBox3.Text)
   37: });

As you see, for specific context you should use that method as each context defines specific encoding pattern. Further information on the usage of AntiXSS is available on MSDN at

We are working on some significant updates to the library and building some complimentary technology. More from me on that in the coming weeks!


  • Anonymous
    August 26, 2008
    I just posted a blog entry on our team blog site about Microsoft AntiXSS library. Very important for
  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2008
    As promised, I am back sooner than you expected! and I know you are one of the two people who visit my
  • Anonymous
    October 02, 2008
    Hi,Thanks for this interesting post !I need to protect a classic ASP with VBScript source code from XSS vulnerabilities...According to my searches on the web, MS Anti-XSS library works only for ASP.Net code, isn't it ?Is there an "older" version of anti-XSS for classic ASP ? Or another good library ?I can filter bad chars with replace() functions, but I don't think its sufficient...Thanks for your help !
  • Anonymous
    November 06, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    I am planning to use XSS for my web project.But my confusion is that which method to use for which situation.The msdn page doesn't tell much.Do you have by any chance any link which can tell the diff between all the encoding techniques.
  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
    Can we use this for internalization apllications.For languages other than english.
  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2009
    The 3.0 libray is still in Beta stage. Can anyone tell when will be the final release of the Microsoft Anti-XSS Library 3.0.