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If You Know What it is, don't Turn Back

A great thing happened yesterday...I saw a smorgasbord :)

I remember the first time I came across this, on a website at Microsoft.  Most people would admit I have a fair handle on grammar but there's something that's useful, like, mate.  Now, every time I read a new word, I hit the Review tab shown at the top of the second screenshot below...

So, the "smorgasbord" bought to my mind utility companies and Star Trek films together in a symbiant circle, how bizarre!  When I did research however, I learned the definition.  I couldn't find it in the Thesaurus but you know what, it sounds like a feast to me!

Need to learn a new Word?

Find out more at the home of Office 2007...oh, and before you start to read the website, why not try using the ribbon bar with the tabs on at the top of the page :)
