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Use Project 2010 Timeline to Create PowerPoint Agenda Slides

While the tip of the day on my 2010 countdown widget is User-Controlled scheduling, another Project 2010 killer is the new timeline feature (see this post from more information: Project 2010: Introducing the Timeline View)  Recently I have been using to produce PowerPoint agenda slides and I’m very proud of it :) Take the MPP below this post (yes its in the new Project 2010 format) and modify tasks names and more importantly their duration to emphasize how much each section will take during your presentation; cut and paste in PowerPoint; further massage data and look and feel if desired and VOILA! PS: add some PowerPoint 2010 new animations and you will look like a star! Microsoft Project 2010

Microsoft Project 2010 Microsoft Project 2010 Microsoft Project 2010

Project 2010 PowerPoint Timeline.mpp