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Nominate an ISV who is Changing the World


At Microsoft, we believe passionate people and innovative software are key to unlocking some of the biggest challenges in the world today.  So we are searching the globe for stories about ISVs that are making a meaningful difference in healthcare, education and the environment.  If you are an ISV with an innovative solution built on Microsoft technologies and addressing challenges facing one of these industries, consider entering "The Ingenuity Point contest".

At the end of each contest period, our judging panel will choose their favourite software solution from each of the 3 verticals. A total of 6 Gold Ingenuity Point Awards will be presented over the course of the year. The recipients of this award will receive:

        • A video case study
          We'll film a video about your company and the impact your technology is having on the world. This story will be featured in The Ingenuity Point Showcase. There, both peers and prospective clients can check out your great work. This exposure will help establish your company's presence in the worldwide market, and may help you secure new customers!
        • A written report
          In addition to the video, you'll receive a report detailing your successful solution to share with clients.
        • Microsoft PR exposure
          We'll announce winners to our international Microsoft audience.
  • $375 in American Express Gift Cheques
    Buy an espresso machine for the company kitchen. Or a foosball table for the break room!

Platinum Ingenuity Point Award
At the end of the entire contest, we'll name one grand-prize winner from the 6 Gold Ingenuity Point Award recipients. Our Platinum winner receives:

  • A guest judging spot at the Imagine Cup 2008
    You'll have the honour of serving as a guest judge for this premier student technology competition in France. This prize package includes roundtrip airfare for 2 to Paris and 7 day/6 night luxury accommodations.
  • Premium PR exposure
    We'll announce your win at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in July 2008, on and in various marketing campaigns. In short, we'll spread the word about the great work you do.

People's Choice Awards
Each month of the contest, the entry with the most votes in our Gallery receives a People's Choice Award. People's Choice Award-winning companies receive $375 in American Express Gift Cheques. We're giving away a total of 7 awards over the course of the contest.

When you submit a qualifying entry, we'll post it in the Gallery on the first day of the following month. Your entry will compete month after month for the People's Choice Award, which means you can win multiple times. To give new entries a fair shake, we'll wipe the voting counters clean at the start of each month.

Cast one vote per email address per month.
