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Memories Longer than the Road that Stretches Out Ahead.

Yesterday I made some comments about Apple that some of you have taken to mean that I hate them.  It just isn’t the case.   Apple is one of the driving factors to innovation in the world of the PC.  What I dislike is the petty games that Apple and Microsoft often play with and against one another when it comes to advertising and marketing. 

Now with all of that said there is an essential point that must be made here.  There is an eternal principle at work here.  All things must have their opposite.  Light and Darkness, health and sickness, joy and sorrow. They are all necessary parts of the life we live.  They go beyond this life, as we have ascribed to the same theory of opposites after we die in our perceptions of Heaven and Hell.  They are the measuring sticks that we use to define our own state of being. What would David have been without Goliath?  Who Is Luke Skywalker with Darth Vader?  What would Bill Gates be without Steve Jobs? What would Microsoft be without Apple? 

Science calls it a symbiotic relationship.  I call it the most powerful partnership for innovation the world has ever seen.  Enjoy this video segment from 2007.