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Internet Explorer 9 Available for Download

IE9I have purposefully put off writing this post because I wanted to see the initial reaction to Internet Explorer 9.  Guess what?  There hasn’t been one.  It is amazing to me that when a product hits the market it takes very little time to find the bugs, and when the bugs come out the backlash is tremendous.  When a product hits the market with stability and performance we hear nothing but silence.  I guess I should not be surprised.  Our media conglomerate is not designed to report good news. 

Here is what I think the good news really is!

1.  Internet Explorer 9 is designed and built to make your Internet Experience better!  It does!

2.  Internet Explorer 9 is designed to make your Internet experience faster! It Does!

3.  Internet Explorer 9 makes the developer experience for internet applications better!  It does.


So in summary Better, Stronger, Faster!  If that’s not enough It’s also better looking!

Download it today and enjoy the best browsing experience available today!