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PPG Case Study on Vista and Office 2007...and another kind of Vista

Some of what we will do early on is highlight recent case studies from our chemical customer base - or relevant case studies from similar industries.  Here's one we did earlier this year with PPG on their decision to deploy Vista and Office 2007 as part of their Desktop of the Future initiative.  The Desktop of the Future initiative was about two main themes:  improved security - always a critical issue for chemical companies - and improved collaboration in their global environment.  The case study has good details and a nice video to go along with it.  Thanks to the folks at PPG for their willingness to share this story.

On a fun note, my family and I took a hike this weekend on Grandfather Mountain near Blowing Rock, North Carolina.  The views were amazing.  We took the Grandfather Trail, and decided to turn around right after I snapped this photo.  Next time, I will take the advice a customer gave me last week (thanks Matt!) and stick to the more family-friendly trails on Grandfather Mountain.  If you have been on this trail - you probably know where this photo is taken from - almost at McRae's Peak.  You have to climb 3-4 different vertical ladders to get there.  It is not for the faint of heart.

I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend.

View from Grandfather Mountain





Brian Willson

Chemical Team
