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PDC in Review – initial thoughts…

The last week spent at PDC was just amazing. I am still processing so much of what was announced and trying to understand the kind of impact its going to have on the scalability & interoperability & range of devices that can now be targeted. I think the flow on effect of what was announced will be massive – I am looking forward to seeing where this all goes!

I am looking forward to playing with the Dynamics Online Commerce & Payment API’s as well as Office Online. Am already cooking up an idea for the Live Service framework – and once I started doing some of the Labs for SSDS I really started to grasp some of the potential of what it could do. There was just so much to take in – in such a short period of time!

Luckily all of the content from PDC is available online so I can re-watch the sessions online I visited – as well as catch up on the ones I missed. There was more CRM & Dynamics based content than I had expected (including it being used in the keynote) – as well as a few sneak peaks of CRM 5 (v-Next). I have listed the CRM sessions below so you can quickly check them out:

BB08 Microsoft Dynamics CRM: The Appealing Business Application - Presenter: Humberto Lezama Guadarrama

BB58 Case Study: Bridging On-Premises with the Cloud - Presenter: David Shutt

BB57 Microsoft Dynamics AX: Building Business Process into Your Application – Presenter: Josh Honeyman

BB32 Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Building Line-of-Business Applications - Presenter: Andrew Bybee

BB33 Dynamics Online: Building Business Applications with Commerce and Payment APIs – Presenter: Adam Wilson

WitIt was really fantastic to be involved in the Female in IT events that were run including the Women Build Lego sponsored day, and the Women in Technology function on the Wednesday night. I got to help out & be a ‘communication facilitator’ at the function, and although I thought I got a great topic to talk about, the other Aussie DPE team members thought it was highly entertaining – I have no idea why?

I also was lucky enough to chase down & interview quite a few people involved in the Women Build day and will be releasing the Podcast series on that in the next day or so.

For me PDC was also a great opportunity to meet so many people that I have corresponded with and never met in person, as well as get to meet so many new people, including some of the awesome members of the Dynamics DPE & Product team. :)

At the end of the second day, I did a short VoxPop session for the Sydney Business & Technology Usergroup where I asked a couple of people what their major take away was from PDC so far. It was so interesting to see that everyone had something different – I thought I would share it here & you can see what they thought:

PDC2008 from ceibner on Vimeo.
