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New Dynamics CRM 4.0 utilities released!

Last week I saw some very interesting CRM tools demoed – and couldn’t wait to get my hands on a copy to play with them! I wasn't expecting to see them out in the wild for a few months though so was very pleasantly surprised to see this post on MSDN this morning:

CRM Customisation Comparison Utility

I know I have often wanted to compare customisations between two CRM Customization.xml files – and I don’t know about you, but I really hate comparing XML!!! The first tool is a GUI that allows you to open & compare 2 configuration.xml files & visually drill down to see what’s in either one, and what is missing.


Configuration Data Utility

This one I hadn’t actually seen, but it allows you to easily transfer configuration data across your different environments! The MSDN post actually has an interesting discussion on storing configuration data in Custom entities, that can be made possible using this tool. Nice idea!


Keep an eye out as there were a few other cool tools that will be released over the coming weeks too! :)
