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The First Round for Windows Phone Game Design is easy but the deadline is Valentine’s Day!

valentineStarWarsIt’s not too late to enter the Windows Phone Game Design category for Imagine Cup, just register and submit a summary of the game you plan to build before 23:59 GMT February 14th

Warning! 23:59 GMT means 19:59 Atlantic, 18:59 Eastern, and 15:59 Pacific so I suggest you get this submitted on the weekend or by end of day Monday so you don’t accidentally miss the deadline because you lose track of time zone differences! (Those times are based on my math which may be incorrect)

The Canadian Imagine Cup Finals are hosting two categories: Windows Phone Game Design and Software Design. The first round deadline for Windows Phone Game design is just around the corner, Tuesday February 14th! You know you can build a phone game, I’ve spoken to many of you who have already done it! If you have been thinking about it, or you have registered but not yet submitted your summary. Here’s what you need to do. A full description of the requirements and instructions to enter round one can be found here

Download the Game Summary Template (example) or the Game Storyboard Template (example) You only need to fill out one OR the other. This document basically needs to describe the game you are building. This round is not judged, it is simply a way for us to find out how many teams are entering and what they plan to create. But submitting your Game Summary or Storyboard by midnight GMT February 14th is mandatory!

The Game Storyboard should contain at least four image panels and at most 20 image panels

The content of your game must address a social cause connected to the Imagine Cup 2012 Theme: “Imagine a world where technology helps solve the toughest problems”.  There is an example of a completed storyboard here.

A couple of little things to be aware of when you submit your entry

  • You must submit your summary as a .zip file
  • the .zip file size cannot exceed 50MB, so if you are including images, keep an eye on the file size

Because we want to be able to share information about your entry with judges (and if you advance to finals, with the public) we require a few extra details as well.

  • a thumbnail image to represent your entry
  • a title for your game (title must be in English – according to the worldwide rules)
  • A description that describes how your submission adheres to the Imagine Cup 2012 theme, the description must be in English and cannot be more that 600 characters including spaces. Tip: You can re-use the text from your Game Summary documents
  • A list of the technologies used in English

I know there are lots of students in Canada who can built great phone games, I’ve seen some of the games you have created! Register and submit your idea for the Game Phone Design and maybe you will be on stage at the Canadian finals representing your school!