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Make Web Not War (this one time at DevCamp…)

Looking for a chance to geek out with fellow developers? Well if you are in or near Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver, look no further. Not your usual conference setting, this event is meant to be relaxed but still designed to meet your need for brain food (notbrains as food!) ! So it won’t stress your already overworked brain! Instead this is your chance to re-energize! No assignments! No mid-term! No final mark to worry about! This is just a chance to come and hear about some cool stuff going on in the ‘real world’ and scarf down a few free nibbles while you are at it.

The event is aDevCamp (not Band Camp) sponsored by Make Web Not War. The event is free/complimentary/gratis/no charge/on the house as it were but you do need toregister so we know how many of those little hot dogs wrapped in pastry stuck on the end of toothpicks to bring. By the way as an added bonus, there will also be a Raffle for an Xbox and Kinect! If you win, you can do cool stuff likethis (as long as you download the Kinect SDK)

Here’s all the pertinent details about the event so you can pencil it into your calendar (stylus it in? key it in? touch pad it in?)

The When and Where…

Toronto October 25th, Toronto Congress Center 650 Dixon Road 6:30PM – 10:00 PM

Vancouver November 15th, Vancouver Convention Center, 1055 Canada Place 6:30PM - 10PM

Montreal November 29th, Palais des Congres de Montreal, 159 rue Saint-Antoine Ouest, 9e étage 6:30PM – 10PM

The Basic Plan…

6:30pm to 7:00pm Registration, Beverages and Appetizers

7:00pm to 7:10pm Intro

7:10pm to 9:50pm Get dirty (TED style talks + break)

9:50pm to 10:00pm Raffle for Kinect and XBOX!!!!

10:00pm to 10:10pm Conclusion

11:00pm Expect the Unexpected


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