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2012 Will Sure Get You Starting Something New

Happy HolidaysAs 2011 comes to a close and 2012 about to begin, now’s the time to start thinking about starting something new.

Whoa! I can’t believe it. 2011 is already coming to a close. Where did this year go? Looking back, there were some really amazing things that happened.

Just off the top of my head:

But, enough talking about this year. Let’s focus on next year! I can’t talk about the details yet, but there is some serious awesomeness coming your way in 2012. But let’s focus on you - what do you have in store for yourself in 2012? As I always say at this time of the year — “Don’t think about what you didn’t do this year and let it get you down. Rather, think forward. Think about your aspirations and then START SOMETHING!”.

DevCubedCubeNeed some help? Tune in on January 4 to Developers, Developers, Developers: LIVE & INTERACTIVE. Windows Phone experts Atley Hunter, Barranger Ridler, and Paul Laberge will be on the show to chat about Windows Phone and the Developer Movement. Plus: Miguel Carrasco, well known community personality and career coach, talks about LinkedIn and how it can help you start something new in your career. All LIVE and INTERACTiVE.

Enjoy the holiday season, and have a safe, happy, and geeky new year!