Publishers Offering Support for User Groups
Run a user group? With funding and sponsors a constant challenge, you’re probably always on the lookout for things to give away at meetings.
Fortunately, many publishers have great relationships with the user group community and have established programs through which you can receive promotional copies of books and other items to use as giveaways or for book review programs.
Here’s a list to get you started:
O’Reilly User Group & Professional Association Program
- (and twitter @OReillyUG)
Wrox User Group Program
Pearson Education User Group Program (Addison-Wesley, Sams, Que, etc.)
APress User Group Program
Manning Publications User Group Program
Peachpit User Group Partners
(Know of any others? Please comment below or contact me. Thanks!)
It’s a symbiotic relationship - you get stuff to help the group, and they get visibility in your community. Be certain to take advantage of the opportunity.
May 22, 2009
Great post for user groups from my fellow DE Chris Bowen : Run a user group?  With funding and sponsorsAnonymous
May 26, 2009
I think MS Press should qualify for this list. They use the UGSS program for their book distribution mechanism. http://www.ugss.codezone.comAnonymous
June 17, 2009
Great Post! Another publisher that is really good to work with is Murach. Murach offers a book review program.