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What's new in SharePoint and Project Server 2016 links

I assembled this list of what is new/deprecated in SharePoint and Project Server 2016 for a customer upgrading from Project Server 2013. He wanted to have a training call, so built the list and added some notes about important information in each. It's my hope that this will be useful to others.

  1. SharePoint 2016
    1. Overview of MinRole Server Roles in SharePoint Server 2016 -
    2. New and improved features in SharePoint Server 2016 -
      1. Learn about the new features and updates to existing features in SharePoint Server 2016. For a comparison of SharePoint on-premises features between SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Server 2016 editions, see SharePoint feature availability across on-premises solutions. For new features in SharePoint Server 2016 for end users, see What's new in SharePoint Server 2016.
    3. What's deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server 2016 -
      1. For Project Server users, the main takeaway here is that Excel Services is now part of Office Online Server; OOS must be configured to interact with your SharePoint (and Project Server) farm. OOS can be a single server or n+1 servers for high availability.
    4. What's new in SharePoint Server 2016 -
    5. New features in November 2016 PU for SharePoint Server 2016 (Feature Pack 1) -
      1. The Administrative Actions Logging feature provides logging around common SharePoint administrative actions to aid SharePoint administrators in troubleshooting changes to their farm.
      2. The MinRole feature in SharePoint Server 2016 now includes two new server roles and enhanced support for small farms.
    6. New features in September 2017 PU for SharePoint Server 2016 (Feature Pack 2) -
      1. Feature Pack 2 contains all the new features that shipped with Feature Pack 1. You don't need to separately install Feature Pack 1 and then install Feature Pack 2. Feature Pack 2 is included in all future Public Updates for SharePoint Server 2016, beginning with the September 2017 Public Update.
  2. Project Server 2016
    1. What's new for IT pros in Project Server 2016 -
      1. “A single database for multiple instances” – If you want to have more than one instance of PWA, I recommend you have separate databases for reporting purposes from the pjrep.* tables in the content database, because direct access to the reporting schema is supported only if there is a single instance of Project Web App that uses the database.
    2. What's deprecated or removed in Project Server 2016 -
    3. What’s new in Project 2016-
      1. Resource capacity heat maps
      2. Timeline changes
