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workaround for SQLNexus fail to import SQL 2016 trc file(SQLNexus ReadTrace匯入sql 2016 trc失敗)

workaround for SQLNexus fail to import SQL 2016 trc file(SQLNexus ReadTrace匯入sql 2016 trc失敗)


Readtrace (SQL Profiler TRC Files) Import failed.


from ReadTrace.log

07/23/18 00:32:50.485 [0X00001364] The major version number (13) in the trace file header is not a supported file version.
07/23/18 00:32:50.485 [0X00001364] ERROR: Read of file header for file C:\Temp\20180712110000\SQLSERVER-1_SQLDIAG__sp_trace.trc failed with operating system error 0x8007000D (The data is invalid)
07/23/18 00:32:50.519 [0X00001364] *** ERROR: Attempt to initialize trace file reader failed with operating system error 0x8007000D (The data is invalid)
07/23/18 00:32:50.519 [0X00001364] Reads completed - Global Error Status 0xfffffffe
07/23/18 00:32:50.520 [0X00001364] Signaling worker threads to complete final actions.

Possible Cause原因:

目前的版本RML ReadTrace無法匯入SQL Server 2016 trc


執行以下Powershell,將F:\Temp\20180707192503目錄下的trc檔變更版本號碼,改成舊版SQL Server

 # 目前的版本RML ReadTrace無法匯入SQL Server 2016 trc
# Workaround: Change the version in trc file

Write-Output "Change the version in trc file"

# The version information we want to write: 0x0A = 10 = SQLServer 2008
[Byte[]] $versionData = 0x0A
# The offset of the version information in the file
$offset = 390

$OutputPath = "F:\Temp\20180707192503"
Get-ChildItem $OutputPath -Filter *.trc| 
Foreach-Object {
 $trc = "$OutputPath\$_"
 [System.IO.FileMode] $open = [System.IO.FileMode]::OpenOrCreate
 $stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList $trc, $open
 $stream.Seek($offset, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin);
 $stream.Write($versionData, 0, $versionData.Length);

Write-Output "Change Done $trc"