Want to name Atlas?
Steven Smith has a good discussion going on about what we should name "Atlas"... I can confirm that "Atlas" will not be the final name, and clearly we are listening, so add your funny and serious suggestions a like...
Atlas Naming Game (note, you gotta check out all the comments.. that is where the fun is)
- Anonymous
August 16, 2006
Salta. - Anonymous
August 16, 2006
Brad Abrams と Steven Smith からです(Blog 名ですよ。)
Want to name Atlas?
Atlas Naming... - Anonymous
August 16, 2006
aspnetx - Anonymous
August 16, 2006
Well as AJAX is also a name for a house hold cleaner, why not CIF?
Common Internet Foundation
:-) - Anonymous
August 16, 2006
In the Sixties, Serge Gainsbourg sang “who is In, who is out”
[ >> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7552524324325073286&q=gainsbourg&hl=en ]
Today, why is everything always in beta?
How to explain this hype around Web 2.0? Maybe ridiculous, but fashion.
[ >> http://flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=101793493&context=set-72057594060779001&size=l ]
Microsoft should merge Atlas and Live projets. Both are user-centric technologies...
An example for others Microsoft technologies...
So, I propose this name:
Live 2.0 beta
>> http://msig.info/web2v2/(reflect)LIVE%202.OBETA.png
Best regards - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
First I'd say that Atlas seems like a fine name for it and now that I've been working with it for a while I'm quite comfortable with the name.
But of cource it's going to change, it always does: Longhorn->Vista, [Bunch of Stuff]->.NET 3.0, Yukon-> Sql Server 2005, etc....
Since the change is a given I'd add a vote to the previous suggestion. "ASP.NET Live" sounds appropriatte. - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
Sul blog di Steven Smith è nata una discussione/sondaggio (Atlas Naming Game) che porta alla scelta finale - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
What is Atlas??
“Atlas” is a free framework for building a new generation of richer, more interactive, highly personalized cross-browser web applications.
Highly Personalized
Web Applications
So , here it is
Ubercoder - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
- WebX - Web XML
2. PAGEX - enhancing page capability by XML asynchrous
- Anonymous
August 17, 2006
AXP - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
Given that Atlas is only guaranteed to work properly on Internet Explorer then how about IEJax? :) - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
Well... why not Ajax.net? - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
ASPB - ASP Bridge
MSBN.NET - MS Bridiging Network - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
Atlas.Net is the best one - Anonymous
August 17, 2006
Steven Smith? One should know that this is ArmySteve with iraq war blogs. cf.: http://armyadvice.org/ - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
Why we should change the name?
1) I like the name Atlas
2) I hope the Xaml (and WPF/E) will catch the Web in a few years and we will forget from HTML and AJAX technology.
anyway if you must change this call it:
AWF = Ajax-Web-Foundation
and include it with the WinFx.
Shani. - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
How about a spoof on Arnold's trademark phrase, "I'll be Postback"... or PP.NET (pronounced peepee) for partial postback. MSAJAX sounds like the likely candidate. Just because you change the name doesn't mean it isn't still in beta;) - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
What about Anthem?
lol - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
I agree with Steve Hamilton. I think "ASP.NET Live" is it. - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
I agree ASP.NET "Live" is a likely option. Especially considering the amount of marketing dollars MS is currently pumping into anything to do with Live. - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
Liked the comment naming it Anthem(.NET) - it's one of my favorites! :-)
No change needed IMO, but if you guys are then some thing like:
WAF == Windows Ajax/Asynchronous Foundation
Or even better, just integrate this in ASP.NET FW 2.0 as System.Webx or something extended within System.Web.
Pieter - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
How about
LSD(Live Script Deployment/Development).Net
LMS.Net (Live MicrsoftScript.Net)
WLS.Net - Windows Live Script 2.0
Sean. - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
Why not have Microsoft buy a copyright on the word "AJAX" (since that is their Modus Operandi) and then everyone else will have to change their name or else pay royalties. - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
I think that Ajax .NET is a good name because the word Ajax is well knowed by developers and ".NET" suffix is commonly related to Microsoft products. - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
Atlas is a rubish name and does need changing.
Search for AJAX on the web and you'll find lots of usefull stuff.
Now search for atlas and you'll find just about every DESTINATION on the planet.
As its Live for Developers how about
Lived! :-) - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
I suggest:
WebFX 2.0 or 3.0
Intelli.NET 2.0 or 3.0
;) Bye - Anonymous
August 18, 2006
How about Ajoke? - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
Don't attach 'Live' to Atlas... I don't care for it.
Atlas is fine, KISS please - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
How 'bout:
Microsoft Asychronous Web-Scripting Library and Framework 2006 Professional Edition? - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
How about Asp.net Ajax+ Technologies or more simply just Ajax+
Say it out loud, "Ajax plus".. see the plus means more. yea that's right Microsoft has added ontop of Ajax and made it better by giving us the update panel.
Ajax+ baby.... - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
What's wrong with simply calling it "Microsoft Atlas"? I like the name personally, and Microsoft's track record with "official" names leaves little room for optimism. I'm still bothered by "PowerShell" as opposed to Monad. - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
what about
since it really is the closest equivalent to javascript in .net. - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
how about:
JIT - since ajax is all about getting stuff just in time
Magic - it makes web pages seem to magically work like real non-web pages
Pipeline - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
How about:
WAX.net (Web Application eXtensions)
WebFX (really like this one)
WPL (Web Presentation Layer) - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
Fizz - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
I prefer the name "GoNet"
Ziyad - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
Ok. - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
hi how are you and site wow gmad gadan - Anonymous
August 19, 2006
How about Atlas? - Anonymous
August 20, 2006
extended asp.net (form) controls - Anonymous
August 20, 2006
(Asynchronous JavaScript XML .NET)
I tried other stuff but they all already existed.... - Anonymous
August 20, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 20, 2006
Anthem sounds fine... ;) - Anonymous
August 20, 2006
How about:
NGA ---- Next Generation Architecture - Anonymous
August 20, 2006
HAL9000 - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
how about
Alex (???)
-- Let there be love -- - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
How about "ASP.NET Live Controls"? - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
SAJAX - Suuuper AJAX! - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
A - AJAX (Atlas) and like russian blya :) - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
I would really like to see MS keep it as Atlas. Please.
Otherwise MS Marketing is going to get its hands on it and its going to become:
Windows ASP.Net Page Services Live Local - 2007
P.S. I am already seeing CV's with Atlas as a skill. its already taken on a life of its own... - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
How about naming it as ACP.NET :-), well it would be Active Client Pages.NET.... - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
I vote for Ajax Toolkit for .Net
also, maybe
but please, don't "Live" it..., blech - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
Some of the names above are really funny,
but how about JAXON? :-)
It's "Javascript And XML ON .NET"... ;-)
Now seriously, ATLAS was a not related name for this piece of functionality and it took a while to get used to it (besides AJAX which at least makes sense - everybody is always confusing AJAX and ATLAS and have to think twice to remember which one to use), but why change it now and have the people get used to something new again which will be most likely not related again?
It seems to me as if Microsoft LOVES renaming products over and over again...
Cheers, and have fun... - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
Atlas is a great name... just leave it alone... PLEASE - Anonymous
August 21, 2006
WebNT - Anonymous
August 22, 2006
Atlas is just nice - what a bad habbit to rename things every day... - Anonymous
August 22, 2006
Just name it Chris - Anonymous
August 22, 2006
< sarcasm >
Here's an idea:
.NET Framework 4.0
< /sarcasm > - Anonymous
August 22, 2006
Windows XC (eXtensible Client) - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Ever since Brad Abrams mentioned Microsoft will be renaming Atlas, it&rsquo;s AJAX coding framework, - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
It's actually going to rolled into the .NET 3.0 Framework, right? Why not just include it as part of ASP.NET 3.0? It's tightly integrated and can only be used with ASP.NET anyway - I just see it as an improvement over ASP.NET 2.0. - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
mmmm, why not ask to the MS marketing team...
thinking, thinking....
yep, .NET 4.0 is the best name !!
All the community will be happy with the new name !!!
Petition to get back the name of .NET 3.0 to a less confussin name:
Cheers - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
isn't it still fashionable to make things new and better by prefixing them with "smart"? also "live" is so much better than "dead" or "stale".
Smart AJAX Live 1.0 - Anonymous
August 23, 2006
Looks like the game is on to find out what the "real" name of the Atlas framework will be.&nbsp; The... - Anonymous
August 24, 2006
;-) - Anonymous
August 28, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
August 30, 2006
What about
? - Anonymous
August 30, 2006
How about YAF (yet another framework)...
It sure is getting crowded to deliver web apps. - Anonymous
August 31, 2006
Why is the cooler and better sounding codename never the final name. The codenames for all the winfx stuff were a lot cooler than the final boring names. Anyway how about...
"ASP.NET Client Side Extensions" - Anonymous
August 31, 2006
I agree, call it ASP.NET 3.0. It will imply that it will break everything just like .NET 3.0 is doing, but at least we have 2/3 technologies on .NET 3.0.
So that would mean sometime next year the 3.0 CLR will show up, but by then WinFX parts will be 3.5 and ASP.NET will be 3.5 too.
Brad everything I've read since June says that the only people who understand why WinFX is .NET 3.0 and not 2.1 or 2.5 are people who work for Microsoft. That should really tell you guys something - Stop letting a bunch of marketing people who think they know what the public wants pick version numbers. Are these the same folks by chance who got Office to switch from years to named versions (Office XP) for just one version? - Anonymous
August 31, 2006
Better yet go with the following:
.NET 2.0 (CLR)
ASP.NET 2.1 (2.0/Atlas)
FX.NET 2.0 (WinFX)
That would make a lot more sense. - Anonymous
September 03, 2006
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
September 06, 2006
Personnal best is , =< asp.netx sp1: {NT2000} as unknown.
I think that the xbox community has better use spoofing this base script into the Ghost(2). - Anonymous
September 12, 2006
PingBack from http://blogs.msdn.com/peterlau/archive/2006/09/12/750736.aspx - Anonymous
September 18, 2006
Brad Abrams と Steven Smith からです(Blog 名ですよ。) Want to name Atlas? Atlas Naming Game 一時期 comet なんて話が出ていましたが(アメリカンジョークでした)今回の投稿は - Anonymous
April 25, 2009
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