Microsoft Ajax Library on PHP
A reader asked about the reference to running part of ASP.NET AJAX on PHP\Apache in my recent interview... The specific thing I was talking about was running the Microsoft Ajax Library on PHP...
Check out the CodePlex project.. Feel free to jump in and contribute to it.
Here is the "hello, world" for this project..
require_once '../../dist/MSAjaxService.php';
class HelloService extends MSAjaxService
function SayHello($name)
return "Hello, " . $name . "!";
$h = new HelloService();
<title>Hello, World!</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../MicrosoftAjaxLibrary/MicrosoftAjax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="HelloService.php/js"></script>
Name: <input id="name" type="text" />
<input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="button_click(); return false;" />
<br />
Response from server: <span id="response"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
function button_click() {
HelloService.SayHello($get('name').value, function (result) {
$get('response').innerHTML = result;
Oh, and if you are interest in PHP, you might want to check out the FastCGI work on IIS to make PHP rock on IIS7.
March 04, 2007
If it works in PHP, then it works excellent for me in my Wordpress project.Anonymous
March 04, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 05, 2007
Why not just use Phalanger and run any .NET code [ ajax included] in Php and vice versa? They've put the php lib into a .NET language. Refer :
March 05, 2007
As you may know, we have already announced that the IIS team was working with Zend to improve PHP performanceAnonymous
March 05, 2007
beberapa hari lalu, IIS meng-announce kerja sama dengan Zend Team untuk meningkatkan performa PHP diAnonymous
March 09, 2007
May 09, 2007
" Oh, and if you are interest in PHP, you might want to check out the FastCGI work on IIS to make PHP rock on IIS7. " Thanks! I've just started to study PHP and I think that the more articles I'll read, the better it'll be for my styding. Am I right?Anonymous
May 10, 2007
>I think that the more articles I'll read, the better it'll be for my styding. Am I right? Yes. You're absolutly right! I'm studying php for half year, and I should say that I have confronted with difficulties, because I had wery few articles.Anonymous
November 15, 2007
要 本期共有10篇文章: 在ASP以及非ASP.NETURL中使用ASP.NET安全验证 在PHP中使用MicrosoftAjaxLibrary Orcas版本C#语言的新特...