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KidsDo with Kodu

Today, Microsoft’s Kodu Cup , a game-design competition for students 9-17 years old to win cash and prizes by creating their own video game with Microsoft Kodu Game Lab, launches for the first time in the U.S.

Kodu Game Lab is a free game-design tool that enables children to design, build, and play their own games on the PC and Xbox, helping to grow childrens imagination and creativity while boosting their interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

At Microsoft, we realize the importance of STEM education to equip the future generations with vital skills they need for success and we’re so thrilled to showcase Kodu as a way to get kids excited about technology.


Kodu provides easy tools to create elaborate video games at the click of a mouse using drag-and-drop visual icons to create 3D landscapes, worlds and characters. Launched in beta by Microsoft in 2009, the first full release of Kodu for the PC is available today – check it out here!