Korean President’s policy: lend everything to the private enterprises
The government has just released plans for lending our tap water under private management.
Here’s a list of what the president is trying to toss everything to the private sector: Tap water. Medical programs. Public banks(Korea Development Bank). Public broadcasting stations. Assets of lots of Ministrys(golf club, casino), Transports, I mean everything.
Is this really just a matter of policy? The government doesn’t listen to the people(majority is already against most of this) so I expect all this is eventually going to happen unless any hazard happens. I just hope my guess is totally wrong.
Also, today was another unfortunate day:
Agriculture Minister Chung Woon-chun announced the conditions for U.S. beef imports Thursday…[via Beef Import Decision Triggers Protests]
Here’s another photo from today’s protest. the text on the right-bottom side says something like “What did our children do to deserve this. We’ll protect them ourselves” [both via ohmynews]
Over 50,000 gathered today and in the government’s eyes these are just stupid mass: