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Windows Azure BizTalk Service Powershell Cmdlets

Windows Azure BizTalk Service provides a rich set of scripting and automation tools. Chief among them is the Powershell Cmdlets. These cmdlets enable the user to write long running scripts, for eg., get notified via email in case any of the FTP sources are down, clear the tracking DB at regular intervals, etc.

While a start, we will be constantly enhancing the capabilities of these cmdlets including their ease of use.


  1. Install the Windows Azure BizTalk Services SDK. See Installing the Windows Azure BizTalk Services SDK - June 2013 Preview for instructions.
  2. Open a PowerShell window with administrator privileges.
  3. Run import-module to import the BizTalk Services module to the current session.

Import-module “C:\Program Files\Windows Azure BizTalk Services SDK\Microsoft.BizTalk.Services.Powershell.dll

NOTE: You need powershell 3.0 installed to use the Windows Azure BizTalk Services Powershell cmdlets.


Following are the cmdlets that are made available as part of the BizTalk SDK.

Cmdlet Name




Lists bridges deployed



Deletes bridge deployed



Adds an XML schema artifact



Adds a transform artifact



Adds an assembly artifact




Adds a certificate artifact




List artifacts deployed




Save artifacts locally




Removes artifact deployed




Starts Bridge source




Stops Bridge source




Get source status



Restarts BizTalk Service



Clear tracking store


For a detailed description/usage of the above powershell cmdlets, please refer to our documentation here.


Let’s look at how these powershell cmdlets may be used to address some complex user scenarios.

$a = ‘myAcsNamespace’




Remove all bridges under Samples

To remove all bridges under a folder say Samples, you would have to get all the bridges under samples, which can be done using Get-AzureBizTalkBridge, and then pipe the list of bridges you get to Remove-AzureBizTalkBridge which removes each of those bridges.

Get-AzureBizTalkBridge –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d –BridgePath Samples -Recurse | %{Remove-AzureBizTalkBridge –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b -IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d -BridgePath $_.Path -NoPrompt}

Start all sources that are stopped for bridges under Samples

Here, first you have to get all bridges under Samples folder. This can be done using the Get-AzureBizTalkBridge cmdlet. Once you get this list, you can pipe the output to Get-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource which will return you all the sources for each bridge. You filter that list by only getting the ones that are Stopped. Once you have this list of sources that are stopped, you can pass it along to Start-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource to start them all.


Get-AzureBizTalkBridge –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d -BridgePath Samples –Recurse | %{Get-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d -BridgePath $_.Path} | where {$_.Status –ieq ‘Stopped’} | %{Start-AzureBizTalkBridgeSource –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d –BridgePath $_.BridgePath}

Download all artifacts under Samples

To download all the artifacts under Samples, you use the Get-AzureBizTalkArtifact to get all artifacts and pipe them to Save-AzureBizTalkArtifact which saves the artifacts locally.


Get-AzureBizTalkArtifact –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d -ArtifactPath 'Artifact1' –Recurse | %{ Save-AzureBizTalkArtifact –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c DeploymentUri $d -ArtifactPath $_.ArtifactPath –SavePath ([string]::Format(‘{0}{1}’, ‘E:\TestFolder\’, $_.ArtifactName)) -Overwrite }

Remove all XML schemas

To remove all XML schemas, you first Get-AzureBizTalkArtifact for all artifacts and filter them down to those of type XMLSchemaDefinition. You then pipe this list to Remove-AzureBizTalkArtifact and remove each one of them.


Get-AzureBizTalkArtifact –AcsNamespace $a –IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d –Recurse | where { $_.ArtifactType.ToString() –eq ‘XmlSchemaDefinition’} | %{ Remove-AzureBizTalkArtifact –AcsNamespace $a IssuerName $b –IssuerKey $c –DeploymentUri $d –ArtifactPath $_.ArtifactPath -NoPrompt }