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Coding Heads Up: Share of Voice Changes Coming Soon to Microsoft Advertising adCenter API

In this month’s release, there are some enhancements planned for Share of Voice reporting that will impact API customers immediately; we want you to know about this now so you can plan accordingly.

What You Need to Know

  • New columns will be available in your Account, Campaign and Ad group performance reports to provide more transparency and more actionable information to advertisers overall.
  • Data value in column 'Impression share lost to rank' will get split across 'Impression share lost to rank' and 'Impression share lost to bid'
  • Data value in 'Impression share lost to relevance' will get split between 'Impression share lost to landing page relevance' and 'Impression share lost to keyword relevance'

How this will be reflected in API Reporting:

You will see below changes in AccountPerformanceReport, CampaignPerformanceReport and AdPerformanceReport.

  1. Some attribution of ImpressionLostToRankPercent may appear “lower” than before, since we’ve broken out impression share lost to rank out into a new column, called ImpressionLostToBidPercent
  2. ImpressionLostToOthersPercent will now be zero (and restated as zero when pulling data for performance history that’s in the past)
  3. ImpressionLostToRelevancePercent will still exist and be populated, but there where be two new columns: ImpressionLostToLandingPageRelevancePercent and ImpressionLostToKeywordRelevancePercent

As an API user, please review your current reporting and make any coding adjustments in preparation for this change.