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Announcing the 2014 January release of Bing Ads API

Happy New Year. In 2014, we are looking forward to adding some exciting new features to the Bing Ads platform which will make it easier for our customers to manage and optimize their campaigns efficiently.

To kick off the new year, we are announcing the 2014 January release of Bing Ads API. This release is now live with the following new features:

 Additions to the Bulk Service:

  1. Versioning of file format
  2. Shared Ad Extensions (AKA Ad Extension Libraries)
  3. Negative ID to cross-reference rows in the input file
  4. More detailed state returned on requesting processing status

Refer to our recent blog post Shared Ad Extensions and New Features in Bulk Service for additional details on January release features for the Bulk Service. You can also visit Bulk Service Reference and Downloading and Uploading Campaigns for comprehensive documentation on Bulk Service implementation.


‘ActiveLimited’ status is extended to other entities:

In the current API, ‘ActiveLimited’ enumeration is supported only in AdExtensionEditorialStatus. With this release, Bing Ads is introducing the ‘ActiveLimited’ enumeration in AdEditorialStatus, KeywordEditorialStatus and AdGroupCriterionEditorialStatus entities. The new enumeration ‘AcitveLimited’ is reflected in the latest WSDL. After 90 days from today, Bing Ads will be returning the ‘ActiveLimited’ enumeration value in AdEditorialStatus, KeywordEditorialStatus and AdGroupCriterionEditorialStatus entities.

If you have any questions or need clarifications on any of the features listed above, feel free to post your questions at Bing API Forum on MSDN. We will respond to your questions at the earliest.

Thanks again for using Bing Ads API. Wishing you all a great year in 2014!



Ravi Modalavalasa

Program Manager, Bing Ads Platform

Microsoft Corporation