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OPX Training Videos Available!

Many of you have asked for more in-depth training on how to use OPX to deploy Windows and Team BOB has responded with 4 training videos called "The Clone Wars". These videos are designed to give you a complete understanding of OPX and how to use it in your business. Think of these videos as an informal interview of three guys in the tech room talking about deployment. As you'll see, we had fun creating them.

Episode 1: The Overview!

In this episode we compare two network deployment methods discussing the pros and cons of disk imaging vs. a network share containing Windows bits and configuration sets. We explain the history of OPK and why it was necessary to create OPX! We also address some of the licensing issues System Builders must adhere to when installing OEM bits. Additionally we explain branding opportunities and how you can get support for OPX .

Episode 2: The Setup! Episode one walked you through the overview of OPX and in this episode, we'll walk you through all the necessary procedures to setup OPX in your production environment. Once installed, we discuss how the GUI of OPX and how it works. As a System Builder, this episode in most important because we show you how to manage drivers , applications, update, and branding for deploying Windows on systems you build.

Episode 3: The Deployment! Now leveraging how OPX manages drivers, applications, updates, and branding, this episode shows you how to integrate them with your Windows deployments. We'll explain how to deploy Windows over a network for high scale Windows deployments and how to automate a Windows installation from the Windows hologram CD.

Episode 4: The Final ChapterIn this episode we unleash OPX's full powers. We dive straight into the advance features. We cover have to install applications like Microsoft Office over the network and from the local deployment machine. We also cover the cool new tool called the SBBYPASS tool which gives you the ability to get Windows Updates while in factory mode. Then we wrap it up explaining how to create a recovery solution.

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