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Azure Network Security Whitepaper/Article Released

imageOne of the biggest challenges we have when learning about a new cloud service provider is trying to figure out what that provider has.image

In fact, it’s hard even if you’re already using that cloud service provider!

For example, “what does Azure have that’s related to my network security concerns?”

The answers would come pretty slowly if you had to sift though dozens or hundreds of articles on your own – nobody has time for that!

That’s why we created the new Azure Network Security whitepaper/article.

In this article we discuss:

  • Basic network connectivity options and capabilities
  • Hybrid connectivity and security issues
  • Security controls to consider through Azure networking
  • Network security validation through logging and auditing

We hope you find the Azure Network Security whitepaper/article useful – please let us know if there are areas that need more coverage or if we need to include new topics. We’re living in the age of the agile cloud, so continuous improvements and updates define how we do docs now! Help us, help you!



Tom Shinder
Program Manager, Azure Security
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