Decrypting Windows Azure Package (CSPKG) in Windows Azure SDK
When you build your Windows Azure Application the final
products is a CSPKG file which is uploaded to Windows Azure portal along with ServiceConfiguration.cscfg.
The CSPKG file actually a ZIP file which consist your whole solution along with
configuration needed to deploy your solution in Windows Azure.
If you look inside the CSPKG file you will see a file with
extension CSSX name as Your_Role_Name_GUID.cssx and this file also is a ZIP
file however this file is initially encrypted by MSBuild process. You can decrypt
this file if you wish to do so by using any of the below described method:
1: Modifying MSBuild properties for "CorePublish" target and CPACK command (Applicable
to Windows Azure SDK 1.3)
- Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\Cloud
Service\1.0\Visual Studio 10.0 - Open Microsoft.CloudService.targets in any text Editor
- Look for the target names as CorePublish and setup
NoEncryptPackage property to "True" as below inside the CSPACK Command within
the target
Completed "CorePublish" target should look like as below:
<Target Name="CorePublish" DependsOnTargets="$(CorePublishDependsOn)"> <Message Text="CorePublish: PackageWebRole = $(PackageWebRole)" /> <Message Text="Publishing starting..." /> <Message Text="RolePlugins is @(RoleProperties->'%(RolePlugins)')" /> <Message Text="Publishing to '$(OutDir)Publish'" /> <MakeDir Directories=" $(OutDir)Publish " /> <Message Text="ServiceDefinitionCopy is @(ServiceDefinitionCopy)" /> <Message Text="ServiceConfigurationCopy is @(ServiceConfigurationCopy)" /> <Message Text="Roles is @(Roles)" /> <CSPack ServiceDefinitionFile="@(ServiceDefinitionCopy)" Output="$(OutDir)Publish\$(ProjectName).cspkg" PackRoles="@(Roles)" SiteMapping="@(SiteMapping)" RoleProperties="@(RoleProperties)" CopyOnly="false" NoEncryptPackage="true" > </CSPack> <!-- Copy service configuration to output directory --> <Message Text="Copying the service configuration file." /> <Copy SourceFiles="@(ServiceConfigurationCopy)" DestinationFolder="$(OutDir)Publish" /> <Message Text="DiagnosticsFilesCreated is @(DiagnosticsFilesCreated)" /> <Delete Files="@(DiagnosticsFilesCreated)" ContinueOnError="true" /> <Message Text="Publishing process has completed."/> </Target> |
2: Setting Up Environment Variable (Applicable to all Windows Azure SDK)
You can set environment variable _CSPACK_FORCE_NOENCRYPT_ to "true"
which will force the build system to generate an unencrypted package. This method
applies for Windows Azure SDK 1.2 and 1.3.
- Anonymous
February 25, 2013
Hi Avkash,i followed the stepus you mentioned and was successful in decrypting the package.Now my question is,where can i find the service definition file(.csdef) in the service package file that has been decompressed??