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Questions that inspire action and GROWTH

Having spent some time today with a number of Microsoft’s distributors to help their people support the growth of their Partners, I thought I would share a number of the topics we explored in the form of some questions to ask yourselves…

The context for this meeting centred on business growth (profitable growth at that) and creating lasting value with customers. So, let’s jump right in and in no particular order (which is intentional)… 

  • To what extent do you feel comfortable that the services you provide today will be relevant to customers in 6-12 months?
  • How well do you feel that you balance your time working ON Vs IN your business (planning Vs executing)?
  • Could everyone in the business articulate your value proposition?
  • Why do customers buy from you?  Does that give you a competitive advantage and are you exploiting it as much as we could/should?
  • If you were to ask 10 business owners to share their top 3 frustrations today, do you have solutions that could help them?
  • How exposed would you feel if you lost your best sales guy / girl?
  • Of the new business you won this month, what percentage of this was generated from marketing activity and then, digital marketing activity?
  • How confident are you that prospective talent sees you as a destination employer?
  • What percentage of your existing team would recommend working for your organisation?
  • To what extent are the top team aligned in terms of the goal of the business?
  • How many new customers did you win this month? How is it trending over the last 6 months and is that sustainable?
  • How much profit did your organisation generate in the last 6 months outside of typical business hours?
  • What solutions / services will you be selling in 6 months’ time?
  • How many of your last 10 customer wins referred a new prospect to you?
  • How are your people feeling right now?

Perhaps by reading through the above questions and thinking of your answers this may help to inspire new thoughts or perhaps it triggered an aha or eureka moment… I will wait to hear…