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Looking to do things differently in 2016? Next steps are here...

  Where do you want to go nextAs new start-ups and long established companies alike face many challenges as they build, evolve and grow their businesses, I am pleased to share the next wave of support available to Microsoft Partners. The interactive workshops have been built based on the specific feedback you shared with us outlining where we could help you the most.

They are delivered by independent consultants with extensive experience in setting up, building and running businesses, these full day sessions provide the time and space for you to work ON the business rather than IN the business enabling an external perspective, specific coaching, insights, as well as real skills to help moving your business from A to B.



Strategic Leadership & Business Accelerate Workshop

Whether you’re looking to redefine your value proposition, align sales incentives with new business streams or undertake an entire business evaluation, you’ll leave with a clear sense of the true priorities needed to accelerate business growth. Every model, tool and exercise used on the day is accessible after the workshop to ensure your entire team can benefit.

Managing Change Workshop

A session dedicated to unpacking change from a number of fresh perspectives. We’ll investigate why some projects fail. We’ll show how others succeed. And we’ll explore the processes essential to ensuring good ideas are identified and executed on. This is an unmissable session for anyone interested in people, processes and culture.

Always On Selling

These days, nine out of ten customers already know what they want; innovation is delivered daily. So how do we sell in the now? How do we acquire customers at a rapid rate? How do we engage with clients at a deeply strategic level?  Lets explore and build an approach to win more customers.

Modern Marketing

A session covering marketing techniques such as content, social and digital. Understand the different channels to ensure the right messages reach the right customers, maintain an always-on approach to community management and customer service.  Build a plan of action to put what you’re learning into practice.


We will be running these workshops in 5 cities during February where space is limited so if you would like to attend then register by clicking on the above links before they fill as places are limited.