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Going the distance at Microsoft Ignite Australia



In my previous blog, I talked about what Microsoft Ignite is, who should be attending and why its so important for your technical teams to be heading to the Gold Coast on 17th - 20th November 2015.

The important thing to remember when it comes to Microsoft Ignite Australia is to have a plan. With so many great sessions and activities happening all around you it can sometimes be a little overwhelming.

If passing an exam is among your goals, here are five quick tips for a successful exam outcome at the Microsoft Ignite Australia on the Gold Coast.

1. Start your exam preparation and study today, starting next week we have lined up a series of virtual exam preparation courses, the below list are my favourite exams and all exams go towards helping you achieve one of the Microsoft Cloud Competencies.

Over the next eight weeks we will deliver one 90 minute session per week focusing on a topic to help you prepare for the exam, each week you will be given homework and have a chance to ask the trainers questions.

Register for one or all of the sessions today.

2. Pre-register for your exams before getting to Microsoft Ignite Australia. You know you’ll be busy high-fiving your friends and getting settled when you arrive on the Gold Coast, so make it a point to reserve your exam times as soon as the tool opens up. We will communicate more about this in the coming weeks.

3. Take your exams earlier in the week, as you would have already been studying, get the exam out of the way early and off your mind so you can enjoy the rest of the week. And if (and that’s a big if) you didn’t do as much study as you had hoped to do and don’t pass, then you will have enough time for a retake later in the week... with a free Second Shot! (The mandatory wait is 24 hours before your first retake.) Bonus tip: We have some really cool t-shirts to give away to those people who pass their exams, this will be on a first come, first serve term!

4. Put the exam prep sessions in your schedule, we will be running a number of exam prep sessions throughout the week. Once the session catalogue goes live make sure you add them to your schedule builder, and take advantage of these technical focused sessions led by Microsoft Certified Trainers and Microsoft Valued Professionals. We will cover the exams list above and many more.

5. See an MCT Ambassador, not sure which exam you need to take next or which exam aligns to the competency you are trying to achieve?

Pre Ignite drop us an email Once you are on site make a beeline to “Certification Central” and find an MCT Ambassador. They are there to help you map out your certification path and offer guidance on training resources.