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Default settings of ‘Default Website’, Virtual Directories under Default Website and Companyweb on a SBS 2003 Server

[Today's Post comes to us courtesy Anshul Srivastava]

We get a good number of calls related to Outlook Web Access (OWA), Remote Web Workplace (RWW), or SBS specific features like Backup, Monitoring, and ConnectComputer not working. A fair percentage of these calls are resolved by restoring default settings on Default Website or the virtual directories under it. All we have to do is  compare the settings on the Default Website and the virtual directories, depending on what’s not working, with a working server. You may use this document as a reference to compare the settings you have in IIS with the Defaults on a SBS 2003 Server.

Typically this should be your first step if you experience any of the issues below, however you may have to troubleshoot more if restoring default settings does not help.

* (This is not an exhaustive list)

Activesync issues with support code 0x85010004, 85010001

Access Denied,

HTTP 500 Internal Server error,

Directory Listing denied

Page Not Found

Page shows “Loading....” when you try to browse OWA

After you complete the installation of SBS 2003 (Base OS & SBS Components), Outlook Web Access (OWA) and Remote Web Workplace (RWW) are not configured to use SSL by default. It’s only after you run CEICW (Configure Email and Internet Connection Wizard) or make the changes manually that they are configured to use SSL.

The snapshots have been taken from a SBS 2003 Server, Standard Edition, with 1 Network Card and a self created Certificate, which is the most common scenario.

If the SBS Server was installed using all the default settings and options, you will have 4 websites. Details are given in Table below:

Web Sites

  • Default Web Site
  • Microsoft Sharepoint Administration
  • Sharepoint Central Administration
  • Companyweb

Application Pools

  • DefaultAppPool
  • ExchangeApplicationPool
  • ExchangeMobileBrowseApplicationPool
  • MSSharepointAppPool
  • StsAdminAppPool

Web Server Extensions


Default Web Site Virtual Directories

Virtual Directories installed by Exchange TS Web Client SBS Specific  
  • Exadmin
  • Exchange
  • Exchange-oma
  • Exchweb
  • Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
  • OMA
  • Public
  • Rpc
  • RpcWithCert

They provide features like OWA, OMA and ActiveSync.

  • Tsweb

Terminal Services Web Client. Use TS from a browser.


  • ClientHelp (Provides information for using features like Remote Access, Mobile etc.). Can be browsed by using server_name/ClientHelp in a browser.
  • Backup (Configure Backup)
  • Monitoring (Configure Monitoring and Reporting)
  • ConnectComputer (Connect a client to domain)
  • Remote Web Workplace (Connect to computers at work place from Internet)

Default Web Site Settings

Web Site Tab Performance Tab
clip_image010 clip_image012
ISAPI Filters Tab Home Directory Tab

SBSFLT: c:\inetpub\sbsflt\sbsflt.dll

fpexedll.dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\50\bin\fpexedll.dll

OwaLogon: C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\ExchWeb\bin\auth\OwaAuth.dll

If any of these is missing, you may add them manually. Paths are given above.

Documents Directory Security, Authentication & Control
Settings in this tab would be exactly the same for all virtual directories except for OMA. Please note that we would not display settings for this tab for other virtual directories as they are same as this one. It would be shown for OMA Tab as it is different.clip_image018 clip_image021
Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions Directory Security, Secure Communications
If you want the default web site accessible from the Internet, Select Granted Access.clip_image024 clip_image027
HTTP Headers Tab  

Exchange Related Virtual Directories and their settings

When you install Exchange, it creates the following virtual directories in the default web site: Exadmin Exchange Exchange-oma Exchweb Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync OMA Public RPC RPCWithCert If you select any of these, right click and select Properties, you would see the following Tabs: Virtual Directory Documents Directory Security HTTP Headers Custom Errors If you have .Net 2 installed, then you will have a Tab called ASP.Net too. All these sites have been designed for 1.14, so that's what should be selected. clip_image031


Exadmin, Virtual Directory Tab Exadmin, Documents Tab
clip_image033 clip_image035
Exadmin, Directory Security Tab, Authentication and Access Control Exadmin, Directory Security, IP Address and domain name restrictions
clip_image038 clip_image041
Exadmin, HTTP Headers  


Exchange, Virtual Directory Tab Exchange, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image047 clip_image049
Exadmin, Directory Security, IP Address & Domain Name Restrictions Exadmin, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image052 clip_image055


Exchange-oma, Virtual Directory Tab Exchange-oma, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image057 clip_image060
Exchange-oma, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions Exchange-oma, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image062 clip_image064


Exchweb, Virtual Directory Tab Exchweb, Directory Security, Authentication and Access control
clip_image066 clip_image068
Exchweb, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restriction Exchweb, Directory Security, Secure Communications Tab
clip_image070 Untitled
Exchweb, HTTP Headers Tab  


ActiveSync, Virtual Directory Tab ActiveSync, Directory Security, Authentication and Access Control
clip_image074 clip_image076
ActiveSync, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions ActiveSync, Directory Security, Secure Communications
image image


OMA, Virtual Directory Tab OMA, Documents Tab
clip_image078 clip_image080
OMA, Authentication and access control OMA, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Access Restrictions
clip_image082 image
OMA, Directory Security, Secure Communications  


Public, Virtual Directory Public, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image084 clip_image086
Public, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions Public, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image088 clip_image091


Backup, Virtual Directory Tab Backup, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image093 clip_image096
Backup, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain name Restrictions Backup, Directory Security, Secure Communications
image image


ConnectComputer, Virtual Directory Tab ConnectComputer, Directory Security, Authentication and Access control
clip_image102 image
ConnectComputer, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions ConnectComputer, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image104 clip_image107


ClientHelp, Virtual Directory Tab ClientHelp, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image098 clip_image100
ClientHelp, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions ClientHelp, Directory Security, Secure Communications
image image


Remote, Virtual Directory Tab Remote, Directory Security, Authentication and Access Control
clip_image109 clip_image111
Remote, Directory Security, IP address and domain name restrictions Remote, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image113 clip_image116


RPC, Virtual Directory Tab RPC, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image118 clip_image121
RPC, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions RPC, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image123 clip_image126


RPCWithCert, Virtual Directory Tab  RPCWithCert, Directory Security, Authentication and Access control
clip_image128 clip_image131
RPCWithCert, Directory Security, IP Address and Domain Name Restrictions RPCWithCert, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image134 clip_image136


Monitoring, Virtual Directory Tab Monitoring, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image138 clip_image140
Monitoring, Directory Security, IP Address and domain name restrictions Monitoring, Directory Security, Secure Communications
clip_image142 clip_image145


TSWEB, Virtual Directory Tab TSWEB, Documents Tab
clip_image147 clip_image149
TSWeb, Directory Security, Authentication and access control TSWEB, Directory Security, IP address and domain name restrictions
clip_image152 clip_image154
TSWeb, Directory Security, Secure Communications  


companyweb, Website Tab companyweb, Performance Tab
clip_image159 clip_image161
companyweb, ISAPI Filters Tab companyweb, Home Directory
Path for SHRPTFLT is c:\inetpub\sbsflt\shrptflt.dll Path for stsfltr is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\bin\stsfltr.dll image clip_image163
companyweb, Documents Tab companyweb, Directory Security, Authentication and access control
clip_image165 clip_image167


companyweb, Directory Security, IP Address and domain name restrictions companyweb, Directory Security, Secure Communications



