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No more yellow banner (and the gallery of things that are not work)

Well, my wife complained one too many times about the old blog image. Now it’s a nice soothing blue with a more worldwide bend, plus some updated “artwork” courtesy of Visio and MS Paint (sorry for cutting you off Australia & New Zealand, sacrifices had to be made to the pixel gods). I also updated our About page to reflect modern times, such as how we’re support for ADFS and AppLocker. Obviously, no mail sack this week; things were just too busy and a lot of questions were repeats. I do have a new DFSR series in the works that I believe many of you will find useful, look for that to start soon. I believe Jonathan has some more PKI things underway as well.

Enough of work. Here’s some stuff that has nothing to do with pleasing your boss:











Ned “back on duty” Pyle