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Microsoft North Carolina, Directory Services Team 3 – Doh!

Ned here. We’ve been asked a few times to show a picture of the DS Support teams that you work with everyday. I’m finally able to oblige you for my team courtesy of the outstanding SimpsonizeMe website, run by the good folks at Burger King. See if you recognize any names from support cases you’ve worked or blogs you’ve read.

simpsons team3

The back row, from left to right: David Beach, David Fisher, Gary Mudgett, Jonathan Stephens, Rob Greene, Sean Ivey, Steve Taylor, Tait Neville.

The front row, from left to right: Mike Stephens, Ned Pyle, Adam Conkle, Chris Cassidy.

And don’t worry, this didn’t affect any SLA’s – our manager put it together on his own time. We tried to get him in here too but his face was too hideous for the tool to read; it simply rejected him. Make sure you give the SimpsonizeMe site a try, it’s fun stuff.

- Ned “Mmmmm… Whopperrssss.” Pyle


  • Anonymous
    January 21, 2009
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    January 22, 2009
    The comment has been removed