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Sweeping Mines... Functionally

Mr. GeekRaver and I were walking between buildings and, for some reason, talking about how silly it is that good ol’ Minesweeper was “glossed up” for Vista. He said he had written it for DOS in some tiny amount of C code (

His explanation of little tricks to make the implementation simple (e.g. a traverse() function that walks the board applying a passed in function to each cell) sounded like FP to me. So, here it is in about 40 lines of F# (plus another 50 for UI). Now, my challenge to him is to beat that using Python (his current kick) this time...


// Minesweeper (in 90 lines)

open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms


let w = 9 // width of mine field
let h = 9 // height
let d = 10 // 1:10 mine density


type State = Unknown | Flag | Expose
type mines = (bool * State)[,]


let randomField = // init field w/randomly placed mines
  let r = new Random(int DateTime.Now.Ticks)
  Array2D.init w h (fun _ _ -> (r.Next(d) = 0), Unknown) // note _


let adjacentCoordinates x y = [ // list of adjacent x,y pairs
  for i in x - 1 .. x + 1 do
  for j in y - 1 .. y + 1 do
  if (i <> x || j <> y) && // not including x,y itself
    i >= 0 && i < w && j >= 0 && j < h // not off edges
  then yield (i, j) ]


let adjacentCells (m : mines) = // list of adjacent cells (fun (x, y) -> m.[x, y]) // note (x, y) and curried xy


let countMines m = Seq.sumBy (function (true, _) -> 1 | _ -> 0) m // given Seq of cells
let countFlags m = Seq.sumBy (function (_, Flag) -> 1 | _ -> 0) m


let setCell f m x y = // apply f to snd of cell x,y of m

  Array2D.mapi (fun i j (cx, cy as c) ->

    if i = x && j = y then (cx, f cy) else c) m


let setFlag m = // toggle Flag, but leave already Exposed as is

  setCell (function Unknown -> Flag | Flag -> Unknown | Expose -> Expose) m

let setExpose m = setCell (function Flag -> Flag | _ -> Expose) m // leaved Flagged as is

// automatically expose safe cells based on exposed mines and flags
let rec autoExpose (m : mines) = function // x, y
  | [] -> m
  | (x, y) :: t ->
    if (snd m.[x, y]) = Unknown then
      let n = setExpose m x y
      let a = adjacentCoordinates x y
      let c = adjacentCells n a
      autoExpose n (if countFlags c >= countMines c then (a @ t) else t)
    else autoExpose m t // already Exposed or Flagged

// that's it, the rest is UI:
let form =
  let field = ref randomField
  let s = 60 // grid size

  let paintField (g : Graphics) =
    let paintCell (g : Graphics) x y c =
      let i = x * s // x-coordinate
      let j = y * s // y-coordinate
      let l = i + 1 // left (with 1 pix inset)
      let t = j + 1 // top
      let (r : int) = i + s - 1 // right
      let b = j + s - 1 // bottom
      let i = s - 1 // inner size
      let f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 24.0f, FontStyle.Bold)
      match c with
      | (_, Unknown) -> // "embossed"-looking highlights
        g.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, r, t, r, b)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.DarkGray, l, b, r, b)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.White, l, t, r, t)
        g.DrawLine(Pens.White, l, t, l, b)
      | ( _, Flag) -> g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Green, l, t, i, i)
      | (true, Expose) -> g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, l, t, i, i)
      | ( _, Expose) ->
        g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gray, l, t, i, i)
        let n = (countMines (adjacentCells !field (adjacentCoordinates x y))).ToString()
        if n <> "0" then
          let b = match n with
                  | "1" -> Brushes.LightBlue
                  | "2" -> Brushes.LightGreen
                  | "3" -> Brushes.LightCoral
                  | _ -> Brushes.White
          let m = g.MeasureString(n, f)
          g.DrawString(n, f, b,
            float32 l + (float32 s - m.Width) / 2.0f,
            float32 t + (float32 s - m.Height) / 2.0f)
    Array2D.iteri (paintCell g) !field // note: use of currying paintCell

let f = new Form(Text = "Mines", ClientSize = new Size(w * s, h * s), Visible = true)
  f.Paint.Add(fun a -> paintField a.Graphics)
    fun a -> let i = a.X / s
             let j = a.Y / s
             field := if a.Button = MouseButtons.Left
                      then autoExpose !field [(i, j)]
                      else setFlag !field i j
             let m, s = (!field).[i, j] // m, s
             if m && s = Expose then // exposed a mine?!
               field := (fun (m, _) -> (m, Expose)) !field // expose everything
               MessageBox.Show("Boooooom!\nTry again.") |> ignore
               field := randomField // start over
