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Paul Cotton on Microsoft Participation in the W3C HTML Working Group

An interesting interview as part of a series of interviews with W3C Members to learn more about their support for standards and participation in W3C. This one is with Paul Cotton about the cooperation of Microsoft in the HTML working group:

Some interesting questions and answers:

Although HTML 5 has not been finalized, can you talk about what parts of HTML 5 IE8 supports?

A. IE8 implemented some features from the W3C HTML 5 Working Draft ( AJAX Navigation , Network Connectivity Events ), from the W3C Web Applications specifications ( DOM Storage , Cross Domain Request and Cross Document Messaging ), from the ECMAScript-262 Language specification (Native JSON Support) and CSS Selectors and Mutable DOM Prototypes. A good overview of these functionalities is available.

Q. Can we expect even more support for HTML 5 in IE 9?

A. Watch this space. As you can see, Microsoft is investing very heavily in the W3C HTML 5 effort, working with our competitors and the web community at large. We want to implement ratified, thoroughly tested, and stable standards that can widely help interoperability of the Web. We will have more to say on the subject at the MIX conference .

Full interview: