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PRO-Exchange Community Event: Exchange 2007: Notes from the field

With the arrival of Exchange 2010 you will hear a lot of noise on this technology and as an Exchange community we will surely contribute to that noise.

However not everybody has the opportunity to move to Exchange 2010, some of use are still on Exchange 2003, or even on Exchange 5.5, and are currently in transition to Exchange 2007.

Therefore we decided that our next community event will be on "lessons learned" when implementing Exchange 2007. Let's call it Exchange 2007: Notes from the field...

In 2 hours we will try to go over the following topics:

  • Firewall & Static Ports
  • Scalability
  • Cross-Forest Availability, IOREPL
  • Transitioning
  • High Availability options (SSC vs CCR vs SCR)
  • Storage (DAS vs SAN)
  • Acceptance & Validation (ex. Loadgen)
  • Troubleshooting (Perfmon, Extram, Usermon,ExRCA, etc..)
  • and much more...

The idea is that we will present all of these topics in powerpoint format but to get the most out of this event we expect you to INTERACT. We want to hear about your horror stories, lessons learned and how you creatively worked around an issue.

This event is 100% pure tech talk... :-)


Thursday 22/10/2009


18h30: Welcome & Drinks

19h00 : Exchange 2007 Notes from the field by Tonino Bruno

21h00 : Closing & Drinks


Microsoft Belgium, Leonardo Da Vincilaan 3, Zaventem

So sign-up and let's meet at Microsoft for this next Pro-Exchange Community Event....