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Interesting Links 12 March 2012

In between the usual meetings, email exchanges, phone calls and meeting basketball stars (Why College?) I managed to collect a good number of links this week. Please read though the whole list and I am sure you’ll find something of value. I hope so. And a reminder that if you find something I should know about and share let me know. Use the comments or the Email Blog Author link. In fact contact me if I can help you with anything at all. Thanks for reading.

Tara Walker has the scoop on the Windows 8 Developer Camps – Coming Soon! If you do development or teach development or both you will want to attend one of these workshops to get a jump on things. Windows 8 really opens a lot of new opportunities for software creation and you’ll want to be in on it.

Speaking of Windows 8, Dr. Zhiming Xue aka Dr Z has been building up a large set of “how to do” posts related to Windows 8 on his blog at Well worth checking out to get a jump start with using Windows 8. My index is at Dr Z’s Windows 8 How Tos and Dr. Z’s intro and index is at Windows 8 Consumer Preview Power User How To Series Of course you can get the Windows 8 Consumer preview here

The Microsoft Career Reflections series is a great set of short talks by computer scientists talking about a number of career topics of interest.

For the best in professional development for CS teachers don’t forget to Register for CSTA's 2012 Annual CS&IT Conference

Why Kodu is great to learn programming, Student views from Hamble College on Kristian Still's Blog

Read how Kinect is transforming the classroom with interactive and interesting lesson plans

Partners in Learning 2012 US Forum–Reminder if you are doing interesting things with technology in your classroom please think abut applying.

From Leigh Anne Sudol-DeLyser @lsudol: More & more CS is NOT just for computing majors, but becoming an important skill for all!

Using Kinect for Windows with XNA Curriculum by Rob Miles  @robmiles

From Gillian Smith @gillianmsmith: Cool website for showing young women the many different ways CS intersects life:

Hat tip to Cameron Evans for his post about the  Microsoft Virtual Academy for IT Professionals