Microsoft .NET Framework penetration numbers
(link bot tonight) Via
- "Microsoft's Scott Wiltamuth posted numbers from Microsoft marketing on .NET Framework penetration.
- More than 120 mln copies of the .NET Framework have been downloaded and installed using either Microsoft downloads or Windows Update.
- More than 85% of new consumer PCs sold in 2004 had the .NET Framework installed.
- More than 58% of business PCs have the .NET Framework preinstalled or preloaded.
- Every new HP consumer imaging device (printer/scanner/camera) will install the .NET Framework if it/s not already there – that’s 3 mln units per year.
- very new Microsoft IntelliPoint mouse software CD ships with the .NET Framework."
- Anonymous
August 05, 2006
Are there any pentration numbers for the .NET 2.0 framework?