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Interview with The Developer Akinwale Ariwodola (Windows 8 Apps)

Interview Questions


Could you please tell us a bit about yourself and your background?

I’m a 26 year old from the southwest of Nigeria who’s had a passion for computers since the age of 4.I’ve always enjoyed programming and video games, as well as good books and movies.


 How the idea of the Slyde came to you?

I was fond of the sliding numbers puzzle when I was little, and it seemed like a simple enough idea to implement, so I decided to give it a shot.


 Why you decided to implement this idea specifically Windows8?


I was looking to develop a simple game which didn’t require the use of DirectX or any third-party game libraries. Slyde makes use of the pure Windows RT API without the need for
external references.


What resources on Microsoft or community side you found most helpful while working on the app?

I’ve found the MSDN reference to be the most useful for getting started, especially the Windows 8 application samples available for download.


Links that helped me


Windows 8 Controls list

Windows 8 Modern Style App Samples

Windows Store app development


Could you please take us on a quick tour to understand your application better?

When you launch the game, you’re offered to play two modes. The 8-puzzle and the 15-puzzle which is slightly more complex. The goal is to arrange the numbers in order from left-to-right, top-to-bottom by tapping on the tile right next to the empty block. The game calculates the total number of moves that you made to solve the puzzle and the time taken. Once you’ve successfully arranged the numbers, you get a win notification which asks you to play again if you would like.


 What are your interests behind technology?

 I’ve always liked computers and the ability to create programs for them. I’ve also looked into building robots as a hobby, but I’ve never actually completed one yet. Perhaps, when I have more free time, I’ll get around to it.

Any plans for news apps or projects in general?

I have quite a few apps I’d like to work on. Particularly, an client and a packing app, among others.


What would you advise to Developers in the region who also would like to become #MEAHero?


Personally, I’d say if you’ve got an idea, just start working on it immediately by writing code and putting stuff on the screen, instead of overthinking or spending too much time working on design. Design is important, but things can evolve rapidly, and it’s very easy to provide incremental updates if you’re developing apps.


Where the community can catch up with you online or offline?

My Twitter handle is @akinwale, or you could just reach me by email using