TechEd ANZ Call for Content Update
We’ve had a great response to the TechEd ANZ Call For Content we announced a couple of weeks ago. Here’s the submission count as of this morning:
Track | Breakout | BoF | Total |
ARC | 4 | 0 | 4 |
AZU | 2 | 1 | 3 |
DEV | 25 | 4 | 29 |
DYN | 3 | 0 | 3 |
MOB | 4 | 0 | 4 |
OFC | 31 | 4 | 35 |
SEC | 2 | 0 | 2 |
SOA | 2 | 1 | 3 |
DAT | 12 | 1 | 13 |
UC | 7 | 0 | 7 |
VIR | 2 | 0 | 2 |
WEB | 11 | 1 | 12 |
WCS | 10 | 1 | 11 |
Totals | 115 | 13 | 128 |
I’ve had a couple of questions around this and while I’ve answered them directly, I’ll also post the answers here.
When do submissions close?
The answer is "it depends". Track owners will close off their tracks for submissions when they feel like they’ve got enough submissions. Having said that, we’ll leave all tracks open until at least the 1st of June, so you’ve still got a week or so as a minimum.
What’s the difference between a Breakout Session and a Birds of a Feather Session?
A breakout session is one of the main sessions that are held during the conference. There are 9 rooms available in each of 15 time slots across the 3 days. You can expect anywhere between 20 and 1000 people at a breakout session. The content and presenters for these sessions are determined by the track owners.
Birds of a Feather sessions are designed to be informal gatherings of like-minded people. This is a community-driven session held outside the timeslots for breakouts. It's likely that there will be perhaps as many as 10 BoF sessions and they’ll be scheduled for lunchtimes and perhaps on Wednesday evening. We're planning to make the BoF selection something that attendees can contribute to. The current proposal (subject to change, no promises etc) is to publish a list of the submissions and have people vote.
How Many Submissions Will You Accept?
There are only 135 slots for TechEd this year and so there are obviously going to be many more public submissions than available slots. There's no hard number we're aiming for, but please don’t be too disappointed if your session isn't selected this time. One of the things I’d love to do though is publicise the sessions that weren't selected with a view to local User Groups picking them up as presentations through the year. I won’t do that without the submitter's permission though.
Are You Paying Presenters?
No – there's been some confusion because the link from my original post to the rules for submitting content was a generic link that triggered some "smart" stuff server-side to determine where you were submitting from and displayed the rules appropriate to that region. A number of people got the TechEd North America rules (it explicitly said that at the top of the page) and they do have a stipend for speakers. We don't have the budget for that.
So there's no more confusion, here are the rules for submitting content for TechEd Australia and New Zealand.
- Anonymous
May 21, 2009
PingBack from - Anonymous
June 08, 2009
hi - are submissions still open? - Anonymous
June 08, 2009
Yep - until at least the end of this week - Anonymous
June 09, 2009
Hi Andrew,Any update on when will the topics be finalized and the presenters notified?Thanks - Anonymous
June 12, 2009
話題の小向美奈子ストリップを隠し撮り!入念なボディチェックをすり抜けて超小型カメラで撮影した神動画がアップ中!期間限定配信の衝撃的映像を見逃すな - Anonymous
June 13, 2009
カワイイ子ほど家出してみたくなるようです。家出掲示板でそのような子と出会ってみませんか?彼女たちは夕食をおごってあげるだけでお礼にHなご奉仕をしてくれちゃったりします - Anonymous
June 14, 2009
あなたは右脳派?もしくは左脳派?隠されたあなたの性格分析が3分で出来ちゃう診断サイトの決定版!合コンや話のネタにも使える右脳左脳チェッカーを試してみよう - Anonymous
June 15, 2009
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
June 16, 2009
As I said in my update , we've had an overwhelming response to our Call for Content for TechEd Australia - Anonymous
June 17, 2009
貴方のオ○ニーライフのお手伝い、救援部でHな見せたがり女性からエロ写メ、ムービーをゲットしよう!近所の女の子なら実際に合ってHな事ができちゃうかも!?夏に向けて開放的になっている女の子と遊んじゃおう - Anonymous
June 18, 2009
まったぁ〜りしたデートがしたいです☆結構いつでもヒマしてます♪ 年齢と名前くらいは入れてくれるとメール返信しやすいかも… - Anonymous
June 19, 2009
会員制の逆援交際倶楽部では男性は無料、一日最低額10万円保障での交際をお求めできます。ご登録された女性様達はセレブであるがための悩みをそれぞれの方が持ち、皆様、男性との営みを求め、ご登録されております。彼女たちとの初々しい一時をお楽しみ、謝礼をいただいてくださいませ。会員制ですので人数に限りがあるため、打ち切りの場合はご了承ください - Anonymous
June 20, 2009