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Searching for Contacts in VSTO


As part of my demos for Graham Seach's Office DevCon, I've developed a VSTO v3 Outlook Add-in that adds a form region to an incoming e-mail if:

  1. The sender is in my contacts (based on the e-mail address); and
  2. The contact has a non-null, not-empty company name

Here's what I did to start off with:

 // look up the contact from the sender of the mail
Outlook.MailItem thisMail = (Outlook.MailItem)e.OutlookItem;
Outlook.MAPIFolder ContactFolder =
foreach (Outlook.ContactItem contact in ContactFolder.Items)
      Outlook.ContactItem contact = (Outlook.ContactItem)obj;

      if ((contact.Email1Address == thisMail.SenderEmailAddress ||
         contact.Email2Address == thisMail.SenderEmailAddress ||
         contact.Email3Address == thisMail.SenderEmailAddress) &&
         !(contact.CompanyName.Trim() == ""))
         // Instantiate the service and get the details of the company's sales
         SalesDetails.svcSalesDetails.SalesDetailsServiceClient svc =
            new SalesDetails.svcSalesDetails.SalesDetailsServiceClient();

         _salesDetails = svc.GetSalesDetails(contact.CompanyName);
         found = true;

This threw an InvalidCastException in the foreach line complaining that the object (of type System.__comobject) couldn't be cast to a ContactItem.

So next I looped through the items in the folder as a collection of objects and did the cast within the loop. 

 foreach (System.Object obj in ContactFolder.Items)
      Outlook.ContactItem contact = (Outlook.ContactItem)obj;

Same issue (at the cast line again). I'm not sure why I thought this would work any better.

I got a little sidetracked by the first paragraph of Sue Mosher's response to this question on and added


at the bottom of the loop (especially as by this stage I'd discovered that it wasn't the first object in the collection that was throwing the exception - it was about the 270th - near enough to Sue's 250).

Actually, I was running into the issue addressed in her second paragraph, but I didn't read that. It took me a call to Nick Randolph (just before we went off to play hockey) to realise that a contact folder can contain things other than Contacts. Thanks Nick.

An easy way to filter the collection is to use the Restrict() method:

 Outlook.Items colItems = ContactFolder.Items.Restrict("[MessageClass]='IPM.Contact'");

Finally things were working, but they were still SLOW. Turns out it's lots quicker to let the built-in search function do the heavy lifting; in particular the Find() method. The final incarnation of my find code now looks like this:

 Outlook.ContactItem contact;
if (e.OutlookItem is Outlook.MailItem)
   // look up the contact from the sender of the mail
   Outlook.MailItem thisMail = (Outlook.MailItem)e.OutlookItem;
   Outlook.MAPIFolder ContactFolder =

   Outlook.Items colItems = ContactFolder.Items.Restrict("[MessageClass]='IPM.Contact'");
   string FilterString = "[Email1Address] = '" + thisMail.SenderEmailAddress + "' OR " +
      "[Email2Address] = '" + thisMail.SenderEmailAddress + "' OR " +
      "[Email3Address] = '" + thisMail.SenderEmailAddress + "'";
   contact = (Outlook.ContactItem)colItems.Find(FilterString);
{ ...

The moral of the story is two-fold:

  1. Check your types before attempting to cast; and
  2. The built-in methods for searching or filtering are almost always better than those you try to roll yourself (it's all about the platform, man!)