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The passing of a SharePoint legend...

The news of the passing of Patrick Tisseghem on September 5th has shocked the entire worldwide SharePoint community and sent ripples internally within Microsoft.

Patrick's passing has hit me quite hard and deeply. This is such a terrible loss. I had the pleasure of having a few beers with Patrick a year or so ago and we often used to exchange ideas over IM and email.

I also delivered his excellent masterclass course a few times prior to joining Microsoft and was always learning new things from his depth and breadth of knowledge. I was always referring to his books and articles as a 'source of truth'.

We have lost a mentor, author, friend, colleague and all round nice guy who was a fountain of knowledge. He was always very humble and approachable.

Bless you Patrick you will be greatly missed.

From all of the MCS Australian SharePoint consultants, we offer our condolences to your wife and family.

The link to the SharePoint team blog is here.
