na verificação do video streaming está mostrando um erro:
Video streaming connection results and requirements:
- Your home/office network failed to connect to the required video streaming service.
- The streaming connection requires that can be reached as well as a stable connection of at least 1mb upload and download speeds.
How to connect to our video streaming service:
- Contact your network administrators and ensure the following:
- Any network filtering software is disabled
- WebRTC WebSocket connections must be allowed to on TCP port 80, 443, 1935.Video streaming connection results and requirements:
- Your home/office network failed to connect to the required video streaming service.
- The streaming connection requires that can be reached as well as a stable connection of at least 1mb upload and download speeds.
How to connect to our video streaming service:
- Contact your network administrators and ensure the following:
- Any network filtering software is disabled
- WebRTC WebSocket connections must be allowed to on TCP port 80, 443, 1935.
Como posso resolver isso? Está pingando o site, mas o erro ocorre ao pingar